Everyone is entitled to their opinion on this subject and some are still forming them. It is important however that everyone actually understands the business and legal aspects BEFORE they get on their soap box.
The pinnacle or Express 1 contract, as it is written, has no such scope provision protecting current pinnacle pilots in this specific case. As it reads Pinnacle pilots are only guaranteed that flying done by Pinnacle AIRLINES will be done by Pinnacle pilots on their seniority list. There is not one piece of language in there that protects them from the PARENT company, Pinnacle HOLDINGS (it's important to note the difference) from purchasing another company and running it separately as they see fit. This is a mistake and ALPA should have put better langauge in, but they didn't. Not much you can do about that now.
Also in this specific case the rumored expansion is for Q400 Continental flying. This is flying that Colgan has been competing for and bidding on previously. If awarded and the planes are purchased, this is not at the expense of Pinnacle pilots. This is COLGAN pilot flying that we have earned. Make no mistake about that, IF it happens.
No one at Colgan wants anything negative to happen to Pinnacle pilots, or any other pilot group, however don't expect us to choose to join your union or any union just to protect YOU. We will do so if we feel that WE need protection. As of now we have not seen a need. Will that change in the future? Who knows, but that is for us to decide if and when. I personally think now is too early to tell. Our current management is still very much in control of this company. If that starts to change then we MAY have something to talk about.
Go EDUCATE YOURSELF on this industry, it's history, the legal aspects. Don't take anything anyone writes online as fact. I don't expect you to believe me, either. Go find the information for yourself. That's what I did.
And stop kidding yourselves about what life at the regional level is supposed to be like and forget about turning it into anything more than a stepping stone. You'll be a lot happier if you accept that.
As a group, pilots are idiots, and you all know I'm right. The sooner we fix that, the better off we will ALL be at ALL carriers.
Good luck to everyone.
First, your a tool.
Second, your analisis of our scope is incorrect. You are missing the side letter agreed to later that binds that Holding company as a successor to the Pinnacle pilots. Maybe you should understand our scope before you get on your soapbox tool.