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Owner Speaks

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It isn't always about money


Thanks for your perspective. Is it Scottsdales' Corparate Jets where you are? If so, I love that place.

NJA Owner,

With all due respect Sir, thinking outside the box is not an option without $$ and the consent of management. Unless ofcourse you don't mind losing your job.


Not sure which fractional it is that you fly for, but for the record, fractionals have laid off pilots. By the end of the year, there is also concern that maybe one or two of the fractionals may not even be around.

Mr Doolittle,

Your name speaks for its' self. Everything you have said couldn't be any further from the truth. How can you overpay for the safety, security and convenience of you and your family. So worry no more about the cost of fractionals and get back to pushing that 747 through the sky until that major airline goes broke!


It would be an honor to fly with you anytime. With your attitude, it's only a matter of time before you get that interview. Good luck in your search.


Let's not forget the fact that you can have more than one airplane in the sky at the same time with the fractional ownership. You can't do that by owning your own airplane, unless you own two.

Sometimes it's about survival.
Re: Salary

The fractional pilot at least does not have to worry about being out of a job if the CEO screws up the accounting.

Try telling that to the 40+ EJM pilots who just hit the street.
I don't know what he thought - but many companies do have some of their planes on the market lately and also are "accounting chalenged": Lucent, Avaya, Tyco, CSX, Qwest and others
The ejm guys new last year that they were getting laid off. It wasn't really that big of a secret.

njaowner. I've been lurking watching your posts and I still don't believe that your an owner. If you were an owner you'd be so disgusted with our current pay that you would be saying something about it to the right people.

NJA has standards when it comes to catering. I beleive that what might have happened is that the catering that was ordered was not up to nja standards. This can happen quite a bit. The remedy is that we will ferry the catering in on the inbound flight. This keeps the quality very high and keeps the owners happy. Once again things go on behind the scenes that owners will never see.

You might not be the only owner that's going to fly out of that airport. This way when someone else flies out of there the computers will know that the catering sucks there.

All fractionals stirve to make sure their owners have the best experience possible. When the crap hits the fan it's the pilots who step infront of the bullet and recieve the wall of spit.

Give us some respect and let us do our job and make your experience the best possible.
Diesel said:
The ejm guys new last year that they were getting laid off. It wasn't really that big of a secret.

That's precisely my point. Seems like a lot more than the seven guys thay were given the opportunity to interview with NJ could have been accommodated with all that time available to phase down gradually.
Actually acording to the EJM guys they had to get a nod from the chief pilot. He would only let a few go at a time. Basically if you didn't get his permission you couldn't interview or he would make sure you didn't get the job. I've heard this from many ejm pilots that wanted to go get the interview done over at nja.

They were also given a gradual step down based on their years experience. FIFO principle.
The reason that only a few EJM guys interviewed at Netjets is that there were only about 6 interview slots offered. Also Diesel, the EJM guys DID NOT know that they were going to be terminated. In fact they were told two months prior that there were not going to be any layoffs at all! The question on the future of the EJM "Float" pilots was asked directly to the CEO at a company meeting and the reply was "no layoffs" from the CEO himself. The reason that the guys were let go was because Netjets didn't have a use for them anymore, not that EJM wanted to cut them loose. It was out of EJM's control. There were also 6 interview slots at NJI, but everyone was rejected because they didn't have G-4 time. Just FYI.
So the guys I talked to last year who told me they were getting laid off and were complaining to me they had to re interview at NJA or NJI were just well informed. We had a long discussion with some float pilots who were coming over here. The captain didn't want to come and thought he should hold his senority on NJA's side and the FO figured he should get over while the getting was good.

I also talked to another ejm that was trying to leave EJM but needed the blessing of the chief pilot. Although he was on the Falcon 50 and saw the writing on the wall.

Yes NJI did offer 6 interviews but from what I hear they were more of a courtesy interview than anything.

NJA has given EJM priority on interviews when they start interviewing again. They have allready interviewed some EJM pilots and offered jobs from what I hear.

The float pilots might have been laid off quicker than they thought but they knew it was coming.
Six pilots were hired by Netjets from EJM. Seven were interviewed. No more interviews until NJA starts hiring again, then maybe. You are correct that the writing was on the wall for a while, hence the question to the CEO from the "Float" pilots as to layoffs. When they were told no layoffs, everyone relaxed and let the low time guys take the seven interview slots at NJA. Trust me, if they knew it was coming, the senior guys would have taken the NJA interview slots, not the other way around. Yes, we all knew the float was shaky, but when you are told there are not going to be any layoffs.........Hopefully this will all turn around sometime soon, for everyone.

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