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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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but it breeds resentment that will ultimately lead to more racism.

Do not use the word brother! sounds unnatural coming from you.

You are already a racist and a hater of black people. To add insult to the injury of your racism you pretend to be ignorant.
You do not need any more resentment to fuel your racism. You are the worst kind of racist out there.
You preach and promote racism.
You need to join the KKK. That organization may find you too dirty and evil for their ranks. You sicken me.
I agree wholeheartedly with Frieght Dog on this one.

Thank goodness for the ignore list; you've rendered yourself irrelevant, speedbird.

have you considered joining the black panthers, you seen to share their extremist views on many things.

Shut up
I agree wholeheartedly with Frieght Dog on this one.

Thank goodness for the ignore list; you've rendered yourself irrelevant, speedbird.

have you considered joining the black panthers, you seen to share their extremist views on many things.
shut up

Freight Dog people like you scare me. I fly with your type and withen 10 minutes you reveal to me your inner self.
You represent to humanity the most dangerous type. He that refuses to recognize the lessons of history. The future does not exist without the past. It is more connected than you see.
What we do today is always based on what happenned yesterday.
You would be part of a mob murdering blacks and not even know you have cast the first stone.

Listen very carefully but I feel I will make no diffrence. Your mind is already made up. Again I know your type.
I smell you when I walk through the terminal and I thank God I live in America. Where people try to fix the wrongs of the past and not forget that history tends to repeat itself.
The circle of life goes round and round like a merry go round.
Watch the movie the great debaters produce by Oprah Winfrey and staring Denzel Washington.
Follow Hollywood my freind because of your type we are forced to constantly remind the world of history so that you do not become a leader unaware and murder us all without even realising you just cast a ballfire on a race.
For us OBAP is about survival. We need it not because I need a job. But because we have lost the minds of our people to the brutality and murderous acts of your white parents recently.
Lynch, Lynchfield and Mr. Lynch a slave master who was hired to bring sturborn slaves in line in the south. You know how he did it. He gathered all the slaves togather. All of us black people, our women, old slaves only alive becuase people did not need pet food back then and children. He took the biggest slave and tied his arms and legs to diffrent horses and flogged the horses till those horses ran and tore the man to shreds. He said keep the slave physically strong but take his mind.
Your fathers took the mind of our people. We have kids who do not believe they can fly. who do not believe they can become great people and it is really difficult to fix that. You can not inspire them as much as I can. They do not trust your intentions.
I do not know you but your veiws are such I would not leave my black baby with you. That is just the way it is right now.
OBAP works to change that distrust that exist and also to give hope to black kids. To help them believe in themselves and we use black people on the frontlines and we have a lot of good white people help us.
We teach our people do not fear the whiteman he does not want to kill you anymore. He does not need to enslave you under the old ways. He has already done it diffrently but it is an open cage. You can walk out of it.
We show them the way out of those cages white man. It is my spiritual duty to help people rise from slavery. For you it is the past white man and for us it is today!

Let OBAP do the good work it does. It is not jobs for blacks but a soul for us it gives back that your fathers took away.
Stop insulting black people. You will never understand our pain. Some will but not you.
Finally thank God we have good white people all over America and the world. We stand up for humanity and fairness. That is the business of OBAP using lessons from the past to build the future espercially for black kids. We will let you know when it is no longer needed in a festival my freind when we decide. Not you. We shall tell you I am an American and slavery is gone away with its baggage. Never forget it came with baggage which still stays with us.

Once again read the above post.
... When white people lynched black people it was so violent that many a times the black child, woman or man head pop right of his body.
That my freind is terrorism.
It strikes fear in our hearts and soul as it was designed to do by Mr. Lynch and his employer. We have never forgotten and we should not. I hope you also remember and try hard to prevent it happening again.
Wow, I didn't think a wahabi version of rasism was possible but you proved me wrong - you've turned something ugly into something horrendous...
Wow Speedbird...

I won't stoop to your level. Seeing your behavior and inability to debate issues and merits and resorting to personal attacks and insults, you really do need all the help you need.

Speedbird34 said:
Freight Dog you are not intelligent. A word is good enough for the wise but you are like a stone when it comes to race relations.
You must be a product of poor indoctrination or just poor upbringing.

Could you share some information about your early years.
What jobs your mother and father had?.
Where did you go to school?
Are you college educated?
Your the first really dumb guy I have had to educate. It is like speaking to a stone.
Thank GOD we have laws. NAACP and OBAP will continue to exist. You cannot do anything about it. Your worthless self and veiws will always be a minority in our country.
Your perception of those organisation remain your veiws. You do not even have the courage to express those veiws except as a faceless individual on flightinfo.
I bet at your job you sneak around trying to look human and hide the stink you drag around with you.

Wow Speedbird, now I know why you need OBAP and NAACP. You resort to name-calling when someone disagrees with you.


But you know... for this "unintelligent, dumb, uneducated" civil war refugee to come to this country and accomplish his dreams of becoming an airline pilot and enjoy a great living without the assistance of organizations like OBAP, NAACP, etc.... what does it say for you?

I'm done talking to you. You are on my ignore list from now on.
Right now I have never had a black instructor in an airline, never seen a black airline executive and every where I go aviation is definitely the white mans world.

And somehow that is my fault?

I guess football and basketball is a black mans world, after all, I see nothing but black players, even when the team for which they play is in a lilly white state. Often the team is 90% black, with a couple of token white kids sitting on the bench, isn't that unfair? We need affirmative action!

MLK would be ashamed, but not to worry Farrakhan loves you .
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Speedbird is the biggest racist on this board.
I'm just curious why the mods censor much less offensive material than Speedbird34's racist rants, but give him a free pass.

Is there some sort of quota on this forum? a "double standard," if you will?
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When their organization is no longer needed it will go away. And you're not in any position to judge whether it's needed.

Have you ever seen an organization do this? Usually these groups turn into businesses with big money. Take a look at the environmental organizations like GreenPeace.

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