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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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Final thought....

OBAP, WIA, NAACP, ETC... are organizations that DO NOT encourage discrimination but encourage growth,encourage interest...encourage EQUALITY. None of these organizations NEVER said don't hire white men...although at a time white companies would not hire minorities and women and even if they were hired they were not equally paid nor promoted.

It amazes me that people on this board read one statement off the OBAP website and make a conclusion that OBAP promotes reverse discrimination.

Get involved...when passengers are deplaning I talk to ALL the kids....not just the white ones. Children are wonderful and that is what this thread should be about, but as always it turns into me or you. This thread is about the children and giving them something positive. It is about allowing a rose or flower to grow through the concrete and bloom anyway.

When I walk through the airport and a child sees me in uniform, they say "look, there's a pilot". They DON't say "look there is a black pilot , or "look there is a white pilot".

I hope that people can change and control the "spin zone" when it comes to organizations promoting growth and tolerance...and IF IT IS PROVEN that these organizations encourage reverse discrimination then SHUT THEM DOWN.
when passengers are deplaning I talk to ALL the kids....not just the white ones.

"Oh stewardess, pardon me 'I speak (kiddie) Jive"!


Sorry bleagle I couldn't resist..... you know I'm not a bigot from my private msg to you..... I just had a funny thought and figured I'd try to break the tension on this thread!
Capt Z.
You have never being a victim of racism

That's not true.

I was in between flying jobs so I went to UPS to get a job driving. I was told straight up buy the UPS interviewer that he couldn't hire me because in that location they ccould only hire minorities. How is that right?
Wow! You think that just because a minority is qualified that he will get hired based "solely on his qualifications"....WOW! What if I told you that "qualified" minorities were NOT getting hired because they did not "fit the mold" ...i.e DAL. You talk about character and equal treatment of people... oops I guess Katrina shows just how equal we really are in this country... YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

First off, how do you know they didn't get hired based on their race? Could it be that the psych eval downed them? Or perhaps they came across with a sense of entitlement? Whatever the reasons... you make it sound like black people should NEVER get rejected for any jobs they're qualified for.

So what does OBAP do? Does OBAP force Continental or Delta to hire black people? OK, so Delta's mins are 1200TT and 1000 multi, but most guys getting hired are getting hired with 4000-8000TT range. Isr it racism if a black guy with 1200TT doesn't get a call? Qualified? Sure... Competitive? Maybe not. But should the black pilot get hired at 1200TT? OBAP would tell you YES, despite that everyone else is hired at 4000-8000TT range. Is that fair to every other pilot applying for a job?

Katrina was a disaster in how it was handled, I'll give you that. But contrary to Jesse Jackson's statements, I believe it was way, way beyond racial issues. It was just an all-around screwed up situation.

BUT you can correct the future by knowing the past and being honest with yourself.

Agreed... but how do you become honest with yourself by promoting 'reverse racism?'


IF you were a black male in this country for more than a month.... you would definitely have a "come to Jesus" experience. To you these organizations "reek of reverse discrimination" but HOW DO YOU ENSURE THAT ALL PEOPLE OF EQUAL QUALIFICATIONS GET TREATED FAIRLY?

Refer to my question above.....

Final thought...would you rather be a qualified black pilot or a qualfied white pilot at an CAL interview in TEXAS or a DAL interview in GEORGIA (southern states...i.e the good ole south) based on the history of this country?...with NO EEOC, NO OBAP, or any organization that attempts to block racial ]discrimination knowing about your interview?

Frankly, I'd rather be a qualified black female pilot at either of those interviews because I KNOW that the way things are currently... barring blatant screwups, the job is mine, because if it isn't... I'm suing for discrimination! Nevermind that I might not be a personality mold they're looking for, or I might have bombed their psych test, or I just give off a bad vibe - same as any other interviewing pilot, but goddammit... if I'm black, according to Jesse Jackson, I have grounds to sue for discrimination!

Look, let's talk percentages.... what percentage of white people don't get hired as opposed to percentage of black people not getting hired? Should every white person sue? Where is the EQUAL TREATMENT?

If I told you that you could be the richest man on the planet...BUT you would have to live as a black man , would you do it?

Think about it....

Somehow I don't see Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson (aside from his HIV status, which BTW... how the hell did he manage to live being HIV-positive for now 17 years without actually getting AIDS?) suffering or being discriminated against. I don't see Denzel Washington being discriminated against. Hey, how about Chris Rock? I love that guy... he's hilarious!

What's even more significant about these individuals is that they've done exactly what I've said - pushed themselves to become someone. They didn't get sucked into East Coast rap vs. West Coast rap wars/killings, or Bloods vs. Crips drivebys, or drugs, so on and so forth. They put themselves above the rest and they made it.

To bring it to our level, recently, I rode jumpseats on United and Delta and both captains to give me a lift were black. Yes, can you believe that? A black Delta captain. But then again, this man was an active Air Force pilot, who then transitioned to Air National Guard when he got hired at Delta and is still in the Guard. Now he's a 767-400 captain at Delta. Similar story with the United captain - he flew F-15's before UAL. Now he's a 767 captain.

Could it be that these guys were more than just qualified, but rather competitive? I think so.
Final thought....

OBAP, WIA, NAACP, ETC... are organizations that DO NOT encourage discrimination but encourage growth,encourage interest...encourage EQUALITY.

Organization of BLACK Airline Pilots, WOMEN in Aviation, National Association for the Advacement of Colored People... what do all these names have in common?

None of these organizations NEVER said don't hire white men...

Once again... black/white... male/female... how about uniting under a single umbrella for the benefit of the underprivileged, or poor, or recovering, or single parent (note I didn't say single mother). See the difference?

It amazes me that people on this board read one statement off the OBAP website and make a conclusion that OBAP promotes reverse discrimination.

Well, it sure does seem that way, doesn't it? Unless you're black...

Get involved...when passengers are deplaning I talk to ALL the kids....not just the white ones. Children are wonderful and that is what this thread should be about, but as always it turns into me or you. This thread is about the children and giving them something positive. It is about allowing a rose or flower to grow through the concrete and bloom anyway.

When I walk through the airport and a child sees me in uniform, they say "look, there's a pilot". They DON't say "look there is a black pilot , or "look there is a white pilot".

Now you're talking... and you are right. But do you see an underprivileged non-black kid going to OBAP and asking for help? That's what I'm trying to say... help EVERYBODY that needs help, and you start by removing any references to race, sex, national origin, etc.

I hope that people can change and control the "spin zone" when it comes to organizations promoting growth and tolerance...and IF IT IS PROVEN that these organizations encourage reverse discrimination then SHUT THEM DOWN.

Growth and tolerance, yes. Preferences, explicit or implied, based on race or sex, no.

Otherwise, great post!
For us OBAP is about survival. We need it not because I need a job. But because we have lost the minds of our people to the brutality and murderous acts of your white parents recently.

We teach our people do not fear the whiteman he does not want to kill you anymore. He does not need to enslave you under the old ways. He has already done it diffrently but it is an open cage. You can walk out of it.
We show them the way out of those cages white man. It is my spiritual duty to help people rise from slavery. For you it is the past white man and for us it is today!

Put the crack pipe down kunta kinte!

Slavery in America ended nearly 150 years ago (6 generations as commonly accepted). No one with any remote tie to US slavery is alive, but your "victim mentality" is.

The African continent is home to the greatest percentage of poor and starving humans on the planet. No where else is there such rampant corruption, disease, famine, starvation, slaughter, genocide, black on black ethnic cleansing, etc...

If you toke from a different bong pipe.. Speedbird... you'll see the need for your inspiration and wise counsel is greatest over there... where the black man is oppressing other black men.

In the US we're too busy making money to be concerned with "keeping the black man down"... or haven't you figured that out yet?

You can't be for real, can you?

Put the crack pipe down kunta kinte!

Slavery in America ended nearly 150 years ago (6 generations as commonly accepted). No one with any remote tie to US slavery is alive, but your "victim mentality" is.

The African continent is home to the greatest percentage of poor and starving humans on the planet. No where else is there such rampant corruption, disease, famine, starvation, slaughter, genocide, black on black ethnic cleansing, etc...

If you toke from a different bong pipe.. Speedbird... you'll see the need for your inspiration and wise counsel is greatest over there... where the black man is oppressing other black men.

In the US we're too busy making money to be concerned with "keeping the black man down"... or haven't you figured that out yet?

You can't be for real, can you?


You are a product of worthless white trash I am sure. How some one like you gets to become a pilot I have no Idea. Take your ignorant ugly looking and stinking body and find a hole next to a toad to spend your life in and please do not have children. The world could do with less of you.

Yesterday I had lunch with a higher ed cultural diversity teacher. He told me his living grand ma was beating with belt buckles by a group of teeneage white boys to withen an inch of her life. Her entire body is a mass of scars. what happened to those kids nothing. Why did they do it. Answer was for fun. May your grand dad was one of them.
Slavery 150 years ago you say. Well it was so evil we live with its effects till this day and way into the future.
We had to fight to vote, to ride a bus, For school etc
I would leave it there fool.
Africa! Have you ever visited Africa most likely no. Most of the problems there are produced by western nations exploiting Africa. Oil companies with no care for the environment.
All the stolen wealth ending up in US and European banks funding your societies.
Black man on Black man you say. The Belgians went to Rwanda took the lighter skin black and made him a higher class than the darker one and oppressed one group for generations. Creating so much hate which finally blew up in our faces. That Rwanda 2 million dead was a product of the white mans greed.
I hate teaching creatures like you. You belong with satan in hell. Educating the devil has no interest for me. Bigots and racist make me sick. I hold my vomit as I picture you. earths scum.
Please do not have kids.
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Freight Dog people like you scare me. I fly with your type and withen 10 minutes you reveal to me your inner self.
You represent to humanity the most dangerous type. He that refuses to recognize the lessons of history. The future does not exist without the past. It is more connected than you see.
What we do today is always based on what happenned yesterday.
You would be part of a mob murdering blacks and not even know you have cast the first stone.

Listen very carefully but I feel I will make no diffrence. Your mind is already made up. Again I know your type.
I smell you when I walk through the terminal and I thank God I live in America. Where people try to fix the wrongs of the past and not forget that history tends to repeat itself.
The circle of life goes round and round like a merry go round.
Watch the movie the great debaters produce by Oprah Winfrey and staring Denzel Washington.
Follow Hollywood my freind because of your type we are forced to constantly remind the world of history so that you do not become a leader unaware and murder us all without even realising you just cast a ballfire on a race.
For us OBAP is about survival. We need it not because I need a job. But because we have lost the minds of our people to the brutality and murderous acts of your white parents recently.
Lynch, Lynchfield and Mr. Lynch a slave master who was hired to bring sturborn slaves in line in the south. You know how he did it. He gathered all the slaves togather. All of us black people, our women, old slaves only alive becuase people did not need pet food back then and children. He took the biggest slave and tied his arms and legs to diffrent horses and flogged the horses till those horses ran and tore the man to shreds. He said keep the slave physically strong but take his mind.
Your fathers took the mind of our people. We have kids who do not believe they can fly. who do not believe they can become great people and it is really difficult to fix that. You can not inspire them as much as I can. They do not trust your intentions.
I do not know you but your veiws are such I would not leave my black baby with you. That is just the way it is right now.
OBAP works to change that distrust that exist and also to give hope to black kids. To help them believe in themselves and we use black people on the frontlines and we have a lot of good white people help us.
We teach our people do not fear the whiteman he does not want to kill you anymore. He does not need to enslave you under the old ways. He has already done it diffrently but it is an open cage. You can walk out of it.
We show them the way out of those cages white man. It is my spiritual duty to help people rise from slavery. For you it is the past white man and for us it is today!

Let OBAP do the good work it does. It is not jobs for blacks but a soul for us it gives back that your fathers took away.
Stop insulting black people. You will never understand our pain. Some will but not you.
Finally thank God we have good white people all over America and the world. We stand up for humanity and fairness. That is the business of OBAP using lessons from the past to build the future espercially for black kids. We will let you know when it is no longer needed in a festival my freind when we decide. Not you. We shall tell you I am an American and slavery is gone away with its baggage. Never forget it came with baggage which still stays with us.[/quote]

For big Beer Belly in his toad hole

Freight Dog people like you scare me. I fly with your type and withen 10 minutes you reveal to me your inner self.
You represent to humanity the most dangerous type. He that refuses to recognize the lessons of history. The future does not exist without the past. It is more connected than you see.
What we do today is always based on what happenned yesterday.
You would be part of a mob murdering blacks and not even know you have cast the first stone.

Listen very carefully but I feel I will make no diffrence. Your mind is already made up. Again I know your type.
I smell you when I walk through the terminal and I thank God I live in America. Where people try to fix the wrongs of the past and not forget that history tends to repeat itself.
The circle of life goes round and round like a merry go round.
Watch the movie the great debaters produce by Oprah Winfrey and staring Denzel Washington.
Follow Hollywood my freind because of your type we are forced to constantly remind the world of history so that you do not become a leader unaware and murder us all without even realising you just cast a ballfire on a race.
For us OBAP is about survival. We need it not because I need a job. But because we have lost the minds of our people to the brutality and murderous acts of your white parents recently.
Lynch, Lynchfield and Mr. Lynch a slave master who was hired to bring sturborn slaves in line in the south. You know how he did it. He gathered all the slaves togather. All of us black people, our women, old slaves only alive becuase people did not need pet food back then and children. He took the biggest slave and tied his arms and legs to diffrent horses and flogged the horses till those horses ran and tore the man to shreds. He said keep the slave physically strong but take his mind.
Your fathers took the mind of our people. We have kids who do not believe they can fly. who do not believe they can become great people and it is really difficult to fix that. You can not inspire them as much as I can. They do not trust your intentions.
I do not know you but your veiws are such I would not leave my black baby with you. That is just the way it is right now.
OBAP works to change that distrust that exist and also to give hope to black kids. To help them believe in themselves and we use black people on the frontlines and we have a lot of good white people help us.
We teach our people do not fear the whiteman he does not want to kill you anymore. He does not need to enslave you under the old ways. He has already done it diffrently but it is an open cage. You can walk out of it.
We show them the way out of those cages white man. It is my spiritual duty to help people rise from slavery. For you it is the past white man and for us it is today!

Let OBAP do the good work it does. It is not jobs for blacks but a soul for us it gives back that your fathers took away.
Stop insulting black people. You will never understand our pain. Some will but not you.
Finally thank God we have good white people all over America and the world. We stand up for humanity and fairness. That is the business of OBAP using lessons from the past to build the future espercially for black kids. We will let you know when it is no longer needed in a festival my freind when we decide. Not you. We shall tell you I am an American and slavery is gone away with its baggage. Never forget it came with baggage which still stays with us.

For big Beer Belly in his toad hole

You are a product of worthless white trash I am sure. How some one like you gets to become a pilot I have no Idea. Take your ignorant ugly looking and stinking body and find a hole next to a toad to spend your life in and please do not have children. The world could do with less of you.

Yesterday I had lunch with a higher ed cultural diversity teacher. He told me his living grand ma was beating with belt buckles by a group of teeneage white boys to withen an inch of her life. Her entire body is a mass of scars. what happened to those kids nothing. Why did they do it. Answer was for fun. May your grand dad was one of them.
Slavery 150 years ago you say. Well it was so evil we live with its effects till this day and way into the future.
We had to fight to vote, to ride a bus, For school etc
I would leave it there fool.
Africa! Have you ever visited Africa most likely no. Most of the problems there are produced by western nations exploiting Africa. Oil companies with no care for the environment.
All the stolen wealth ending up in US and European banks funding your societies.
Black man on Black man you say. The Belgians went to Rwanda took the lighter skin black and made him a higher class than the darker one and oppressed one group for generations. Creating so much hate which finally blew up in our faces. That Rwanda 2 million dead was a product of the white mans greed.
I hate teaching creatures like you. You belong with satan in hell. Educating the devil has no interest for me. Bigots and racist make me sick. I hold my vomit as I picture you. earths scum.
Please do not have kids.

All I can say is... Wow. So much hate...

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