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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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“Nice... you got a long post but no solutions..”.

Well, actually the beginning to all solutions is always the truth. What I said was that we must start by using actual words and not politically correct words – I feel that the truth is always better no matter how painful it might be.

I guess you missed that part of my “long post with no solutions.”

“… the reasons why European languages don't have direct translations is because the Europeans until the new meillenium could afford to keep thier countries limited in race...”

Here I must say, huh? Are you saying American English has no European roots? Or what are you saying? Also, explain what you mean by “limited in race?” I truly do not get this part of your reply.

“… So now its a name.... calories are actually kilocalories... but it is easier and more accpetable to us fat americans to read calories on a nutrition label than kilocalories... Who wants to eat a chocolate bar with 240 kilocalories...”

Well, actually the unit for heat (which energy creates) is a joule (J). Kilocalorie (kCal) or a Calorie (Cal) is an old term that’s still used in the food industry simply because it’s easier this way. After all, joule sounds very, uhm, foreign.

Not much different than the old term of millibar although the more proper term is probably pascal or a fraction of it, hektopascal (hPa).

Or what about using the term centigrade when describing temperature?
Sort of illogical use of words - “it’s 12 centigrades outside.”
Really? You sure it’s not 12 milligrades? Or is it 12 kilogrades? The proper term is 12ºC or 12 degrees Celsius - but it’s just easier to say centigrades, especially in the English language.

But I digress… ;)
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WOW... I said that just a few years ago that a 15 yr old from yugo. would have a better chance of getting hired by an airline than a 15 yr old natural black male citizen... NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH LESS CAPABLE TO DREAM BUT IN TERMS OF GETTING HIRED!

Nevermind the past. Let's talk today. Let's talk tomorrow. You can dwell on the past all day, bang your head on the wall, and you won't change a thing about the past.

Again, if everything is so fair and equitable in this country, the WHY does the US government require discrimination training, harassment training etc...? Why the need for organizations for the advancement of "minorities", or women? So, do you think the anti-discriminatory policies set forth by the US GOV is bullsh*t?

Let's see... sue-happy people, government desperately ALWAYS trying to be politically-correct as opposed to just correct. Like I said before, you don't correct a past mistake by making another one.

You can get anything in this country as long as you have the money or the ability to access money...education, homes,etc? Why the need for EEOC when it comes to purchasing homes or applying for loans, college admission etc...oh, that's right racism does not exist anymore...

Equal opportunity... yes. Absolutely. EQUAL! Notice it doesn't say BLACK RIGHTS FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. That's the step in the right direction. DELETE the reference to any particular race or sex.

that is why we should encourage forward thinking... integrate hiring panels with younger pilots of all ethnicities, NOT just the silvered hair old dogs with their old way of thinking.... introduce new people who are forward thinking...

Maybe if ALL americans were more forward thinking in the past...we would NOT need EEOC or mandated government policies/programs ensuring racial and gender equality.

You're right. This country might need things like EEOC because it is race and gender neutral. You won't see me have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is OBAP because it promotes BLACK pilots, WIA because it promotes WOMEN in aviation. UNCF because it promotes BLACK people. Notice the difference? Not race/gender neutral. That's the fundamental problem because you are not undoing the racism damage done in the past, but merely creating reverse racism which is still wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right.
So, if you have a problem with minorities/women promoting access to a PREDOMINANTLY white industry....then what is your solution to an industry which has onloy just recently began to serious consider other than white male employees/

If the situation was reversed and the pilots were 99% BLACK due to past segregation, would you be FOR a small organization promoting white interest in the field of aviation?

Just looking for a solution.... and I TOTALLY agree that the past is in the past and that two wrongs don't make it right....BUT how do you correct this MAJOR wrong into a right without promotion?

Maybe , like I said before, it will take our future generation to finally figure things out!
So, if you have a problem with minorities/women promoting access to a PREDOMINANTLY white industry....then what is your solution to an industry which has onloy just recently began to serious consider other than white male employees/

So should we have White Basketball Players Association? After all, whites are a minority in the NBA, and WBPA should be dedicated to recruiting ONLY white people into the NBA, right? This doesn't make any sense. You hire based on qualifications and an overall picture. If you have a black pilot who grew up in South Central L.A., and he tells the story how despite all the peer pressures and the troubles living in South Central as a teenager he managed to accomplish his dream, AND HE IS QUALIFIED, he's gonna get the job because it shows character. It has nothing to do with black/white.

If the situation was reversed and the pilots were 99% BLACK due to past segregation, would you be FOR a small organization promoting white interest in the field of aviation?

No. It would merely show that there hasn't been much interest among whites to become pilots. Once again, you cannot correct a past mistake by making another one.

Just looking for a solution.... and I TOTALLY agree that the past is in the past and that two wrongs don't make it right....BUT how do you correct this MAJOR wrong into a right without promotion?

Maybe , like I said before, it will take our future generation to finally figure things out!

You create a race/gender neutral organization that helps everyone regardless of race, sex, national origin, etc. It doesn't have to be a future generation. It can be our generation that fixes this, but organizations like OBAP, UNCF, NAACP, WIA reek of reverse racism/sexism and ought to be abolished altogether.
Erik Piatkowski would be the WPBA president......
So should we have White Basketball Players Association? After all, whites are a minority in the NBA, and WBPA should be dedicated to recruiting ONLY white people into the NBA, right? This doesn't make any sense. You hire based on qualifications and an overall picture. If you have a black pilot who grew up in South Central L.A., and he tells the story how despite all the peer pressures and the troubles living in South Central as a teenager he managed to accomplish his dream, AND HE IS QUALIFIED, he's gonna get the job because it shows character. It has nothing to do with black/white.

Freight Dog people like you scare me. I fly with your type and withen 10 minutes you reveal to me your inner self.
You represent to humanity the most dangerous type. He that refuses to recognize the lessons of history. The future does not exist without the past. It is more connected than you see.
What we do today is always based on what happenned yesterday.
You would be part of a mob murdering blacks and not even know you have cast the first stone.

Listen very carefully but I feel I will make no diffrence. Your mind is already made up. Again I know your type.
I smell you when I walk through the terminal and I thank God I live in America. Where people try to fix the wrongs of the past and not forget that history tends to repeat itself.
The circle of life goes round and round like a merry go round.
Watch the movie the great debaters produce by Oprah Winfrey and staring Denzel Washington.
Follow Hollywood my freind because of your type we are forced to constantly remind the world of history so that you do not become a leader unaware and murder us all without even realising you just cast a ballfire on a race.
For us OBAP is about survival. We need it not because I need a job. But because we have lost the minds of our people to the brutality and murderous acts of your white parents recently.
Lynch, Lynchfield and Mr. Lynch a slave master who was hired to bring sturborn slaves in line in the south. You know how he did it. He gathered all the slaves togather. All of us black people, our women, old slaves only alive becuase people did not need pet food back then and children. He took the biggest slave and tied his arms and legs to diffrent horses and flogged the horses till those horses ran and tore the man to shreds. He said keep the slave physically strong but take his mind.
Your fathers took the mind of our people. We have kids who do not believe they can fly. who do not believe they can become great people and it is really difficult to fix that. You can not inspire them as much as I can. They do not trust your intentions.
I do not know you but your veiws are such I would not leave my black baby with you. That is just the way it is right now.
OBAP works to change that distrust that exist and also to give hope to black kids. To help them believe in themselves and we use black people on the frontlines and we have a lot of good white people help us.
We teach our people do not fear the whiteman he does not want to kill you anymore. He does not need to enslave you under the old ways. He has already done it diffrently but it is an open cage. You can walk out of it.
We show them the way out of those cages white man. It is my spiritual duty to help people rise from slavery. For you it is the past white man and for us it is today!

Let OBAP do the good work it does. It is not jobs for blacks but a soul for us it gives back that your fathers took away.
Stop insulting black people. You will never understand our pain. Some will but not you.
Finally thank God we have good white people all over America and the world. We stand up for humanity and fairness. That is the business of OBAP using lessons from the past to build the future espercially for black kids. We will let you know when it is no longer needed in a festival my freind when we decide. Not you. We shall tell you I am an American and slavery is gone away with its baggage. Never forget it came with baggage which still stays with us.
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