By the way Hobbes, Dime Line, and the many "personas" like you...I have to compliment you on your ability to clutter the board with accusational bs rather than actually answering WHY THE H**L HAVE THE LAWYERS BEEN LETTING FLOPS GET AWAY WITH THIS ALL THIS TIME???? They've vilated everything on the books, yet the PAID lawyers do NOTHING. ANSWER THAT rather than accusing me of being one of your opponent goons!
You Won;t...that's why every pilot is BAILING!
Kinda sorta agree with much money do you think it will take to sue the company, How much time do you think it will take? And what do you reasonably expect to be the outcome? No more 10hr rest, crew meals.
You need to understand we (you and I) are still AT WILL employees (even states that exact thing in the employee manuel). we are still at the mercy of management. And no I'm not paid to be on this board. Just trying to do my part to fix this company