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Only have a Private & Hate College

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Metro752 said:
College is boring, I learn new stuff, but it's not stuff I am interested in, and it sucks. Why do we have to keep on doing stuff we don't like if we could just do aviation only, and thats it. Do schools like ERAU make you take lame courses like "Contemporary Literature" with the likes of Michael Moore? I mean that is total garbage.
Your interview will be very intersting. On the interview board will be many who sacrificed to serve country during time of need. You, however, will be whining about yadda, yadda, yadda. You will be found out and discarded...no matter how much you liked airplanes.
I think some of you are trying to educate the ineducable. If some want to quite college/marriage/career/parenthood or whatever with considerably less than the ol' college try, I say let 'em.

It doesn't take much effort to find the requirements for a successful professional career, and those with ambition and drive accomplish those requirements.

Those that just want to put a check mark in a box, as FN FAL pointed out, will not succeed regardless of the boxes checked. Career checklists do not ignite passion.

My education and professional experience have been mostly in concert with MY goals and interests, not those of some possible future employer.

I can't imagine doing it any other way.

FN FAL said:
Your interview will be very intersting. On the interview board will be many who sacrificed to serve country during time of need. You, however, will be whining about yadda, yadda, yadda. You will be found out and discarded...no matter how much you liked airplanes.

I'm 18, and in this day and age, I haven't had a chance to serve my country. I was a week away from MEPS, 94 on the ASVAB, going into the army, then I decided college would probably be a better idea...besides the fact that my recruiter was called into some special kill the drug lord thing. I was going into MOS 97B/96B, whatever those were, Intel & Interogator.

FN-FAL, I read about your family in one of your posts, and I think that you're a great American.

I DID NOT GET THAT OTHER GUY BANNED, I HAVE NO IDEA what he posted, I haven't been on the board in a day or two. So don't be pissed at me about it, please.

I meant no real disrespect to the good muslims.

I'm going to college, I made a whiney post about it. Have any of you who went, ever complained about college?
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Ah, hah!!

pilotyip said:
The ASE and A&P example was aimed at the you must go to college message. You can make yourself marketable without college. Trade schools are overlooked by the college only crowd.
. . . . because, in this context, we're talking about pilots, and the debate, again, is about building a piloting career without a college degree.
BTW my B in law owns the Muffler Shop.
Ah, hah!! Things are different when you are a business owner v. an employee. The sky's the limit when you are an entrepeneur. The risks are also greater as well.
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No, the A&P example was aimed at the "You must go to college in case your pilot career takes at hit for any reason and you have a fallback way of making a living". The college crowd keeps posting this fallback as the reason for college. 4-yr degree not required for fall back. A skill is required, but not a four year degree. The 4-yr degree is where this started 2 years ago. You do not need a four-year degree to succeed as a pilot.

pilotyip said:
You do not need a four-year degree to succeed as a pilot.
Yes, we are back to where we started, Yip, with you arguing exception.

There will always be those who are hired without a four-year degree. But they are exceptions and the minority. Counseling a would-be pilot accordingly is dangerous and irresponsible. Once more, the four-year degree qualifies a pilot for any job.
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Coming hiring boom

The pilot with the flight time will get hired into a good job before the pilot who spends 4 yrs in college. You get hired because of your flight time. Check back with me in the summer of 2007 and see what is happening.
I'd rather hear that from human resources than a check pilot..sorry "captain".

Granted you may not need it to be a successful pilot, if you go through major changes in your life and you don't have one, you'll sure wish you did. It's an insurance policy in a way. A hiring captain for Continental told me that yes, people do get hired with the majors without a college degree...once they have 7000+ hours. An America West captain told me the same, and added that a college degree would show that you have a drive to learn and succeed, rather than cut corners.

Sure that may be their opinions...but if they're doing the hiring I'd probably want to fit in the category of what they like to see.
Hiring boom kool-aid

pilotyip said:
The pilot with the flight time will get hired into a good job before the pilot who spends 4 yrs in college. You get hired because of your flight time. Check back with me in the summer of 2007 and see what is happening.
As Ronald Reagan once said, "There you go again." What hiring boom? The aviation business has changed fundamentally since the last boom and the boom before that. E.g., fewer majors seats and furloughees from the majors waiting to be recalled. Perhaps there may be a few new pilots hired to fill seats retirees left behind. And, you know, who will be hired?? Pilots with college degrees. They might have the flight time, yes, but their degrees will open the door.

P.S. Yip, you don't get hired because of your flight time. That is baloney. My totals, at the left, far exceeded regional requirements of the day, especially in the multiengine category. I sent resumes to regionals for years and, yes, did have some interviews, but couldn't interest any regional in me.
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brat3 splain to me, how is logging 5000 hours of Part TJ PIC is cutting corrners?
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