Patmack18 said:It just sounded like you were saying that knowing the systems was pointless which, coming from an ATP I was like "wtf?" But along the same lines, ya knowing the number of "resevoirs" for the hyd systems is bascially just trivial (I refuse to say it's pointless though!)... luckily for me a situation that becomes unmanagable I can just pull a handle, which I got today on an EP sim with a trim runaway, which turned into a hyd leak somehow, which turned into a fire... screw this I'm getting out....
Knowing the systems is not pointless, in my eyes it is a must to have a working knowledge. Some have better memory than others, so learning EVERYTHING is impossible for most. That is why FSI wants you to learn annunciators, memory items and limitations. So, learning stuff like "how many tanks" just serves to take up memory of a one gigabyte brain like mine.
I understand where you are coming from though, it just boils down to technique and opinion of what you choose to learn and choose to teach. As long as the end result is the same and the PTS are flown within limits, teach away my friend.
Take care.