Northwest asks Mesaba to remove jets from service
The schedule provides that nine of the Avro Regional Jets (“Avros”) operated by Mesaba will be removed from service. Additionally, on September 21, 2005, Northwest provided Mesaba with written notice of its intent, effective December 20, 2005, to terminate the leases between Northwest and Mesaba for all 35 of the Avros operated by Mesaba. The termination of these leases and subsequent removal of the Avros from Mesaba’s fleet will result in a substantial decrease in Mesaba’s revenue and will have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial results. Mesaba has notified Northwest that the removal of the nine Avros from service as of October 31 is in violation of the parties’ contractual arrangement, and Mesaba is reviewing all available alternatives.
Separately, on September 23, 2005, Mesaba provided written notice to Northwest that a portion of the amount Northwest failed to pay Mesaba on September 12, 2005 included approximately $400,000 due for Mesaba’s provision of ground handling services to Northwest and Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. Mesaba notified Northwest that Mesaba reserves the right to terminate ground handling services and to exercise any other available remedies.
Judy Tarver
In an SEC filing last week, MAIR Holdings, Inc., parent company of Mesaba Airlines, said Northwest provided the company with a flight schedule that calls for reduced flying.9/27/2005
The schedule provides that nine of the Avro Regional Jets (“Avros”) operated by Mesaba will be removed from service. Additionally, on September 21, 2005, Northwest provided Mesaba with written notice of its intent, effective December 20, 2005, to terminate the leases between Northwest and Mesaba for all 35 of the Avros operated by Mesaba. The termination of these leases and subsequent removal of the Avros from Mesaba’s fleet will result in a substantial decrease in Mesaba’s revenue and will have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial results. Mesaba has notified Northwest that the removal of the nine Avros from service as of October 31 is in violation of the parties’ contractual arrangement, and Mesaba is reviewing all available alternatives.
Separately, on September 23, 2005, Mesaba provided written notice to Northwest that a portion of the amount Northwest failed to pay Mesaba on September 12, 2005 included approximately $400,000 due for Mesaba’s provision of ground handling services to Northwest and Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. Mesaba notified Northwest that Mesaba reserves the right to terminate ground handling services and to exercise any other available remedies.