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NTSB/Big Brother wants to babysit you via the black box

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I don't know what the fuss is all about. I am convinced that companies pull CVR tapes to listen to certain pilots (black sheep, higher union ups). As far as I know there's no law preventing management to do this. The regs only state that the FAA cannot use it against you, but there's no mention what the company can or cannot do with your recorded statement of "Fu(& *****" .

Be careful, big brother might be listening more than you think, especially with the digital CVRs which can playback farther back than you wish for!

You really think that management has nothing better to do than listen to you complain about crew scheduling? Pilots are a tiny cog in the airline machine and for the most part trip over each other to work overtime and screw other pilots. Trust me, Management thinks much less of you and about you than you think.
Also it should be important to note that they keep using Buffalo as an example and making people believe that chit chat a factor in the crash. I don't care how much you talk, if you're instinct is to pull back on the stick during a stall condition, defying logic, reason, the stick pusher, and any training you've ever recieved, being silent wouldn't have changed a thing.

AMEN! I don't like to "Arm-Chair Quarterback," but this one (Unfortunately) is 100% Correct! God Bless.
As far as I know there's no law preventing management to do this.

Actually, I think there is, not that I can find the reference at the moment.

Found it, well, at least I read in in a manner that says the "company" cannot listen to it just for giggles:

"The CVR recordings are treated differently than the other factual information obtained in an accident investigation. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the verbal communications inside the cockpit, Congress has required that the Safety Board not release any part of a CVR audio recording. Because of this sensitivity, a high degree of security is provided for the CVR audio and its transcript. The content and timing of release of the written transcript are strictly regulated: under federal law, transcripts of pertinent portions of cockpit voice recordings are released at a Safety Board public hearing on the accident or, if no hearing is held, when a majority of the factual reports are made public."

Further, I do recall unions being adamantly against CVR's, for obvious reasons, this being a perfect example of one of those reasons, and the only way the NTSB/Goverment was able to persuade the pilots to allow this, was to say that the CVR could only be used in accident investigations.
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No laws against it. Some of the better collective bargaining agreements prohibit it, however.
I guess there will be more reading instead of talking in the cockpit if this goes through.

Yeah but now we have to be careful not to rattle the paper when we turn the page.

Senator Jim Demint is reportedly going to introduce a bill tomorrow requiring CVR recordings be available for disciplinary action. This is totally counterproductive to the original intent of the CVR, so I would hope this attempt to intimidate us and further erode this career is stopped ASAP. A letter written to your senator would probably be in order about now also, not to mention to your union reps.
If that's the case I want every conversation of the FAA and our dear politicians recorded as well. At least then we can demonstrate some incompetence. ALPA better fight this!!!

Actually, I think there is, not that I can find the reference at the moment.

Found it, well, at least I read in in a manner that says the "company" cannot listen to it just for giggles:

"The CVR recordings are treated differently than the other factual information obtained in an accident investigation. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the verbal communications inside the cockpit, Congress has required that the Safety Board not release any part of a CVR audio recording. Because of this sensitivity, a high degree of security is provided for the CVR audio and its transcript. The content and timing of release of the written transcript are strictly regulated: under federal law, transcripts of pertinent portions of cockpit voice recordings are released at a Safety Board public hearing on the accident or, if no hearing is held, when a majority of the factual reports are made public."

Further, I do recall unions being adamantly against CVR's, for obvious reasons, this being a perfect example of one of those reasons, and the only way the NTSB/Goverment was able to persuade the pilots to allow this, was to say that the CVR could only be used in accident investigations.

Dizel8 as far as I understand this refers only to recordings obtained in an accident. Nothing IMHO prevents the company to eavesdrop through recordings obtained through the CVR. Call me paranoid if you want, but that's what four years working for Uncle H. will do to you.
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