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You guys will be pleased to hear that I’m done arguing this issue. I’m tired of words being put in my mouth and talking to people that take everything on blind faith.
Whether we get PBS or not, have a long section 6 negotiation or short is all a moot point. We are going to shrink until we are more manageable either way. Were do you guys think those 4 aircraft are going in the spring. Merry Christmas Skywest. I suppose if it was 5 aircraft some eyebrows would raise, but 4 is the perfect number. Read the contract at aircraft 5 they have to transfer 10 pilots form ASA to Skywest. At least it sounds like maybe 3 furloughees might get a job when Skywest starts hiring in the spring. I would rather see those jobs go to the furloughees then you selfish fools.
Forcing a merger with Skywest now would be our only chance. Otherwise we are going to be shrunk while Skywest grows. We will become increasingly desperate and nearly ready to negotiate a staple. Then Skywest will get a union and all of our leverage will be gone.
Why would ASA want to take a bad merger. Because of 10 years of stagnation and by then we will be much smaller. Why would Skywest want to merge with ASA? Because it would be on their terms which would be at the very least a partial staple. Meaning instant seniority boost for many.
Secondly I haven’t said that the Union officials are not more experienced at this, I believe they are. Unfortunately they are the same as all of you and are going to look out for number one. I don’t know what their alternative motive is, but from my position it appears that they must get some benefits from having a drawn out section 6 negotiation.

I'm not one of your union reps. In fact, I'm not even an ASA pilot. I'm just an experienced ALPA rep from another airline that's been through a couple of Section 6 processes and knows how this whole thing really works. I have nothing to gain by leading you astray or convincing you to sign a bad deal. I'm just giving you an honest unbiased assessment. If you don't want to listen to it, then that's your business.
Less planes, less pilots = fuller planes, more profit.

Lets examine this equation:

Fewer planes= more profit

That is false.

Full planes = more profit

That is false unless fares aren't lowered.

Fewer pilots = full planes

That is false.

Fewer planes = full planes

That is true in theory.

Overall, decent work.

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ASA has been at the negotiating table with management multiple times. We often ask management for contract improvements based on things we see in other airlines' contracts. It stands to reason that they should be able to ask for a change that benefits them, when other airlines have it. ASA exists to make money, to profit.
I am not voting for anything that is complete crap but I will be opened-minded about it for the road shows.
I keep having words put in my mouth that I haven’t said. First I never said this isn’t a good PBS system, it might be. I don’t know how you guys have read this LOA, where is it? Secondly I haven’t said that the Union officials are not more experienced at this, I believe they are. Unfortunately they are the same as all of you and are going to look out for number one. I don’t know what their alternative motive is, but from my position it appears that they must get some benefits from having a drawn out section 6 negotiation.

Do you trust anyone? Paranoia, "Will" destroy ya!

Rise of the New McCarthyism--not necessarily germane to any political party, some like to paralyze progress by holding fact baseless positions and being contrarians at all costs--just as long as they can keep themselves in the spotlight and throw a monkey wrench in the works.

With 6.7 billion people in the world and 1500 pilots on the seniority list, there will be at least a few who do not agree with my position--I can accept that. Time to move on!
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ASA has been at the negotiating table with management multiple times. We often ask management for contract improvements based on things we see in other airlines' contracts. It stands to reason that they should be able to ask for a change that benefits them, when other airlines have it. ASA exists to make money, to profit.
I am not voting for anything that is complete crap but I will be opened-minded about it for the road shows.

A fair assessment. I believe that is all the MEC guys are asking for. If they thought this was crap, I don't think it would even come to the table since they are not required to bring it to a vote.
Do you trust anyone?...

No I don’t trust anyone. Everyone has a price. I’m also not paranoid I just smell a fish on this one. It’s not that I think the union is out to get us, rather that they don’t give much reason except blind faith. I know I said that I wasn’t going to write anymore about this, however upon further consideration I have decided to agree with you guys that it is possible to get a better deal on PBS outside of section 6.

Please hear me out before you pass judgment. I have always thought that the company wanted to push this through in order to keep from having to call back the furloughees. But I didn’t see what benefit that might have for the union. It is my sincere belief that the union used the furloughees in order to secure a better PBS.

I already know what you are going to say. “We are over staffed. Even if we vote no on this LOA they still won‘t be called back.” Just like the attrition thing you guys are blinded by your shortsightedness. Lets say PBS goes to section 6. How long will it be before the company gets PBS. One can only assume many years. Is it not probable that we would have the furloughees back on property in 5 years?

With the furloughees back they will run into some sticky spots. First there is the chance that PBS won’t even make it, most of them will vote no. Secondly they would not be able to sell it as “not causing any furloughs“. Finally if it did get voted in there would be the messy situation of having to re-furlough.

So if the union used the furloughees to secure a better LOA is that a good or bad thing? I don’t really know the answer to that question. If you are very senior and believe that the cat is out of the bag then it is good. Nobody wants to call people back just to re-furlough. If you are junior and don’t think the cat is out of the bag, you need to tie a cinderblock to that bag and throw the cat in the river.

The one thing I’m certain of is that the union uses lies and deception in order to get the junior guys onboard with things like this. That is what upsets me the most. I just want them to tell it the way it is and let the chips fall were they may. When they use these deceptive tactics it makes people lose faith.
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Lets examine this equation:

Fewer planes= more profit

That is false.

Full planes = more profit

That is false unless fares aren't lowered.

Fewer pilots = full planes

That is false.

Fewer planes = full planes

That is true in theory.

Overall, decent work.


You are so stupid. You can’t pull the equation apart. That’s like taking 6+3=4+5 and saying that’s not true because 6 doesn’t equal 4 and 3 doesn’t equal 5. Go back to school.

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