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NMB to ASA: keep negotiating

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Yes, I have voiced my concerns to the MEC. Yes, the answer I got was satisfactory. BA does not carry nearly the weight you imagine he does these days. He is no longer in a position to dictate policy. My main problem with the current arrangement is a financial one. I feel that MEC money can be spent in better ways.

If you think BA is still driving policy in the ALPA office, you are very much mistaken.

Having said that, I feel that if BA were given free reign he would be happy to drive ASA to a strike purely for personal reasons. Thankfully, he no longer has the power to do so. BA is not the "man behind the curtain" that you imagine he is.

Fmr- glad to hear someone brought it up. I have been very weary of BA's impact and pull on things. It was a relief to see him move on. I'm more into the business aspect of things, and not the personal vendettas. BA was clearly out to push things to the edge and beyond.
Why are we still paying Bob? More wasted money! I'm glad I'm helping to pay for his retirement. Nobody seems to care for him, but our ALPA dues are going to him.
This whole ordeal is like a Talledega Nights Ricky Bobby "If you ain't first your last" mentality. Even the hardnose ALPAITES know we should probably ease off our expectations a little but don't want to be peceived as losing.
This whole ordeal is like a Talledega Nights Ricky Bobby "If you ain't first your last" mentality. Even the hardnose ALPAITES know we should probably ease off our expectations a little but don't want to be peceived as losing.

Well then let's throw the bums out and put someone in who will get real!
Again, stay focused on the real issue. Actions by the line pilots NO LONGER HAVE THE ABILITY TO CRIPPLE THE OPERATION!!! Believe me I wish they did. Then at least the line pilots would have a voice in this thing. I DO TALK TO MY REPS and so do many others. They tell us all the same thing....."be patient, we're gonna get released." It's like a carnival midway game; you keep throwing your money on the table while the carnie tells you that you're so close to winning. You don't realize the game is stacked until you're out of money.

As for growing a set? Assume for a moment that every single pilot on line "grew a set" tomorrow and the radio was totally silent. Then you'd likely see quite a spike in delays due to lack of communication for need of service. The new Delta ground operations would complain to the ASA VP of flight ops. He'd say, "I'll take care of it". A day or two later, we'd get a flight ops bulletin saying, "beginning immediately, all captains will now be responsible for notifying ops via radio if all services necassary for departure haven't been performed by boarding time. If said services still haven't been performed by 20 minutes prior to departure, the captain shall re-notify ops." Guess what, you'd have to do it and he wouldn't owe you jack in extra pay AND he you'd be subject to disciplinary actions if you refused to make that radio call and caused your flight a delay.

I'M NOT AGAINST FLYING THE CONTRACT. I'm simply pointing out in very real terms why it won't work. As www. said, "Life is like driving a car. As you go down the road of life when you look at the rearview mirror you see everything behind you. You can't turn around, but when you look out the windshield you see everything coming up in front of you. You can change direction moving forward."

Since "growing a set" isn't gonna work "for whatever" reason, it might be time to change direction.

How about we try out your theory and see if it plays out that way? If you are right and I'm wrong, I will gladly say so.
How about we try out your theory and see if it plays out that way? If you are right and I'm wrong, I will gladly say so.

I'm guessing when you say "try out my theory", your referring to the portion of the post about "if everyone grew a set and the radio was silent tomorrow". If so, here comes the bad news. I/WE have been attempting to do that for over 4 years now. Go back and read my other posts as to why it hasn't worked and will never work. I'll summarize.

1. Pilots aren't helping the operation as a favor to the company. They're doing it to help themselves; be it getting to the hotel or getting back in time to make that flight home.

2. If for some reason they miraculously did have a good "silent" day, Tutt would enact a new rule and then we'd be required to call for our services. That's new sir, that's the way it used to be and a stroke of the pen can make it return with NO additional compensation to you.

3. At the current prices the company is paying for open time pick up, pilots are NOT going to stop picking it up. As I said on a previous post, I've been bumped out of day lines by rather prominent figures in the ALPA community.

4. If for some reason we miraculously found a way to hurt the operation through some method not correctable through Section 1G of the CBA, a judge would slap out a status quo and a possible fine to fix'er right up.

I wish it would work, but over 4 years has WELL proved it won't.

If on the other hand you're referring to the part at the bottom of my post about "changing direction", the first step is to find a way to inform our reps....enmasse.....thereby proving to them we are no longer a minority....that we want a change in direction.

We can't just "start" with decert. or recall. We first need to "justify" that what we want represents a majority.
Hmmm...just looking in the contract and top pay is about $83 for the ATR. Just curious how you get $120 an hour.

It was in reference to picking up open time which is currently being paid at 150%.......
That'll put a lot of gas in the trawler. But it ain't helping the cause.

You know who.

Yeah I know who.... What exactly is the "cause"?

The trawler takes a lot of gas.... The dayline I picked up this week just about fills it up....

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