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NMB to ASA: keep negotiating

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So does that mean you will get back involved?
Does that mean we made mistakes in these negotiations?

You never know.

You can always do things better or different when you have time to reflect on your actions of the past. Learn from the and move on.
I guess that's fine; people have the choice to stay or leave. But if you are not doing anything on the line to help this process, then you can't biatch about the current state of affairs.

I am more interested in protecting my job..... When ALPA comes up with a strategy to combat the portfolio whipsaw let me know... until then expect more of the same....

I can "biatch", because I said this was going to happen while all you ALPA cheerleaders said we need to trust ALPA....

What's the next move? Jerry has a Plan A, B, and probably a C..... ALPA only has Plan A, and it is failing miserably.....
Joe Merchant.....

Really, dude.....

Do you ever feel like that clown in the dunking booth?
Holy God!

How do you get through life like this?

Seriously! Call some sort of hotline and get some professional help-You are starting to scare us all......

I mean honest to sweet Jesus! Go outside, get some fresh air-you can't respond to all the posters that you claim you don't care about all day every day.

I am serious-I think an intervention of some sort is needed.

-If you don't care what we think...
-Why bother with all this mess?
-You have to be aware that we are not changing your mind and you are not changing ours......You and LJ lost fair and square-get over it.

Go throw a frisbee to a dog or something-get on Dr Phil....Get into a 12-step program....You really cannot go through life making a post to every single individual who disagrees with you!
You can always do things better or different when you have time to reflect on your actions of the past. Learn from the and move on.

Your absolutely correct, but I don't see anything different now than when this started.... in fact Bob is still advising Newie....

If I see some changes in leadership, then maybe I will believe that we have learned from our mistakes.... DU gets it, why doesn't the rest?
He is a paid consultant for the ASA MEC and he still has an ALPA phone.... This whole contract negotiations is a personal vendetta for him.... PATCO II - the Sequel....

Now that I agree with 100%. A truer statement has never crossed your lips, Joe. As much as I support the MEC, I find BA's current "arrangement" totally unacceptable.
Your absolutely correct, but I don't see anything different now than when this started.... in fact Bob is still advising Newie....

If I see some changes in leadership, then maybe I will believe that we have learned from our mistakes.... DU gets it, why doesn't the rest?

Why don't you bring it up at the LEC Meeting Thursday.
I can tell your having problems with this so I will point you in the direction of the ALPA attorney.

Good Luck.

OK since it was Me to which you referred, exactly "what" problem. I understand it pretty clearly and I don't have a problem with LOA 29 at all. If the "definition" section containing the duty in times was an ironclad win for ALPA, then they'd have pushed the fight for a bigger gain. I'm not criticizing the settlement at all. "At least we got something" and "this was the easiest way to settle it" came right out of Bob Arnold's mouth. I personally heard him say it....not heresay.....direct from his mouth with many present.

Again, stay focused on the real issue. Actions by the line pilots NO LONGER HAVE THE ABILITY TO CRIPPLE THE OPERATION!!! Believe me I wish they did. Then at least the line pilots would have a voice in this thing. I DO TALK TO MY REPS and so do many others. They tell us all the same thing....."be patient, we're gonna get released." It's like a carnival midway game; you keep throwing your money on the table while the carnie tells you that you're so close to winning. You don't realize the game is stacked until you're out of money.

As for growing a set? Assume for a moment that every single pilot on line "grew a set" tomorrow and the radio was totally silent. Then you'd likely see quite a spike in delays due to lack of communication for need of service. The new Delta ground operations would complain to the ASA VP of flight ops. He'd say, "I'll take care of it". A day or two later, we'd get a flight ops bulletin saying, "beginning immediately, all captains will now be responsible for notifying ops via radio if all services necassary for departure haven't been performed by boarding time. If said services still haven't been performed by 20 minutes prior to departure, the captain shall re-notify ops." Guess what, you'd have to do it and he wouldn't owe you jack in extra pay AND he you'd be subject to disciplinary actions if you refused to make that radio call and caused your flight a delay.

I'M NOT AGAINST FLYING THE CONTRACT. I'm simply pointing out in very real terms why it won't work. As www. said, "Life is like driving a car. As you go down the road of life when you look at the rearview mirror you see everything behind you. You can't turn around, but when you look out the windshield you see everything coming up in front of you. You can change direction moving forward."

Since "growing a set" isn't gonna work "for whatever" reason, it might be time to change direction.
Now that I agree with 100%. A truer statement has never crossed your lips, Joe. As much as I support the MEC, I find BA's current "arrangement" totally unacceptable.

How can you support the MEC if this "arrangement" is still in place? If you support the MEC, then you are supporting their decisions including this "arrangement"! We wouldn't be in this pickle if it weren't for BA... and the fact that he is still being used as a consultant should worry everyone....

Have you voiced your concern to the MEC? What answer were you given and was it satifactory?

You see, we agree on more than you think.....
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Why don't you bring it up at the LEC Meeting Thursday.

Nobody is going to listen to me www. Why doesn't someone else bring it up..... someone who won't have the message tainted by the impression people have of me...

It will have more impact if it comes from someone else..... you and I both know that.....
OK since it was Me to which you referred, exactly "what" problem. I understand it pretty clearly and I don't have a problem with LOA 29 at all. If the "definition" section containing the duty in times was an ironclad win for ALPA, then they'd have pushed the fight for a bigger gain. I'm not criticizing the settlement at all. "At least we got something" and "this was the easiest way to settle it" came right out of Bob Arnold's mouth. I personally heard him say it....not heresay.....direct from his mouth with many present.

One had and has nothing to do with the other. The strength of the language in the contract was not the issue to do a deal. The "art of the deal" was.

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