Some Dude said:Family Guy you must not work at NJA. Other wise you would know all about the investigation of the A Team and how ButtHole Boisture endorsed the fact that giving gifts to schedulers was ok. Hell no, we don't like those pole suckers, but I'm sure they have dreams of making it to V.P. of Pole Suckers one day. Hell we got a VP of People why not a VP of Pole Suckers?Truth is the A Teamers have broken the BH ethics code. Don't even get me started on the whole illegal checkride fiasco involving management pilots.
Aren't you another fine example of pilot professionalism.....
Fortunately, I have been here for a long time....long enough to know that the vast majority of our pilots are great. Sad to see you besmirch their reputation with your rants.
As for the illegal checkride fiasco, didnt a couple people get fired for that?