There are other options than PB&J avail on the crew food menu. Seems like a self made problem in choosing what to eat for free. I'm a former crew services person, so I know every scenario is different, but if you're ordering from some BFE airport whose catering options are limited, I don't see how blaming the company is appropriate. If you're odering the PB&J from TEB, well, that's on you my friend.
Free food? Hardly. We keep the metal moving and that food provides a lot more productivity than if we parked the jet, took a taxi each way, and sat down to a hot meal like a normal person. Ever try eating in a cramped cockpit or similar environment? Add a little turbulence. An equivalent for you would be to get into a Jeep and eat while off road.
The issue of quality has little to do with BFE, where the food stands a much greater chance of being of an eatable quality. Places like Rudy's and Stevie's, which used to be superior in all ways, are now the absolute pits. Add the fact that the metrics man demands lowest cost, and you get what you pay for.
Variety? Seven or eight choices for each of three meals per day gets really old, especially since several are not eatable anyway. Order mini crudites, and get yesterday's steamed broccoli, or fruit that was on its way out last month. Order regional and get zero choice with sides and get what the caterer wants to be rid of. Don't know about you, but I have never ordered jello from any restaurant, not to mention some of us have certain dietary restrictions.
Tell you what. Eliminate crew food all together, pay us the government allowed per diem city specific, and let us eat on our time and you can forget the free food. Better order a lot more jets and hire another few thousand pilots though.