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NJA 1st QTR Earnings

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I think globals are coming to NJA. Is there any activity re globals going on at FSI CMH? They are the only large aircraft in the pipeline to replace the G's.
Who will fly them? I am not good with innuendo. :)
If scope is eroded they will end up on the EJM certificate. If scope stays remains, some will end up at NJA, but a large proportion may go to NJE if they even take delivery. Either way the airplane is nothing but a dangling carrot right now anyway.

I think the scope issue is the reason you haven't seen a mid-cabin order as well.
I hadn't thought of it that way. However, we don't have any "Guffstreams" in the pipeline, and I feel the Globals will join our fleet. I would like to fly it, but I am told I am not senior enough. Guess I will have to settle for the V. :)

Welcome the the fabulous world of Section 6 negotiations. (Yes. The talks haven't begun, but the "negotiations" already have). I get the sense this is your first rodeo with this. I recommend finding a copy of "Confessions of a Union Buster." it is out of print but there are still copies available on eBay. You will learn the extreme and unethical things that lawyers and managers will do to bust a union. I was literally disgusted, and sadly see the EXACT SAME THINGS happening at my company.

I will call out our management when they pull these tactics. I will report JH to the Berkshire Hathaway Ethics Hotline. I will fight for my job and CBA.
Just thought of something else. If we are not going to really get Globals, what long range plane do you think we WILL get? Our Gs are getting a little long of tooth.

I should have been more clear. I believe Globals will be delivered, but not before management uses them for their true nefarious purpose: a big, shiny, juicy, pilot furloughing, pay eroding carrot.

It's all about leverage. No union ever went into negotiations wanting a concession, but they get leveraged into the lesser of 2 evils. What is VITAL is that we don't allow ourselves to be duped into that corner. Luckily, we have some very smart people working for us who have seen this all before. It will NOT be easy for the company this time. That is why I was so upset when you posted that you voluntarily gave up your wages without a fight! If you don't want your money that's fine, but don't take money out of my pocket in the process!!!
If scope is eroded they will end up on the EJM certificate. If scope stays remains, some will end up at NJA, but a large proportion may go to NJE if they even take delivery. Either way the airplane is nothing but a dangling carrot right now anyway.

I think the scope issue is the reason you haven't seen a mid-cabin order as well.


And to the guy who asked about Globals and Flight Safety..

FSI has made announcements concerning building sims in CMH. Whether or not ground has been broken or not probably can be said fro current NJA guys over in FSI? Also, they will need checkairman, CP's etc... When they put out job applications for these jobs is another telling factor. Whether they have or not? I have no idea?
I should have been more clear. I believe Globals will be delivered, but not before management uses them for their true nefarious purpose: a big, shiny, juicy, pilot furloughing, pay eroding carrot.

It's all about leverage. No union ever went into negotiations wanting a concession, but they get leveraged into the lesser of 2 evils. What is VITAL is that we don't allow ourselves to be duped into that corner. Luckily, we have some very smart people working for us who have seen this all before. It will NOT be easy for the company this time. That is why I was so upset when you posted that you voluntarily gave up your wages without a fight! If you don't want your money that's fine, but don't take money out of my pocket in the process!!!

Why would my giving up some of mine affect yours? Good post, though.
Welcome the the fabulous world of Section 6 negotiations. (Yes. The talks haven't begun, but the "negotiations" already have). I get the sense this is your first rodeo with this. I recommend finding a copy of "Confessions of a Union Buster." it is out of print but there are still copies available on eBay. You will learn the extreme and unethical things that lawyers and managers will do to bust a union. I was literally disgusted, and sadly see the EXACT SAME THINGS happening at my company.

I will call out our management when they pull these tactics. I will report JH to the Berkshire Hathaway Ethics Hotline. I will fight for my job and CBA.

You are correct, fischman. This is my first union, and the dialogue between management and the union unnerves me sometimes. I need to learn to just relax and see what happens. :)
I should have been more clear. I believe Globals will be delivered, but not before management uses them for their true nefarious purpose: a big, shiny, juicy, pilot furloughing, pay eroding carrot.

It's all about leverage. No union ever went into negotiations wanting a concession, but they get leveraged into the lesser of 2 evils. What is VITAL is that we don't allow ourselves to be duped into that corner. Luckily, we have some very smart people working for us who have seen this all before. It will NOT be easy for the company this time. That is why I was so upset when you posted that you voluntarily gave up your wages without a fight! If you don't want your money that's fine, but don't take money out of my pocket in the process!!!

I do want to point out that people like me, especially at the former NJI, don't think of labor/management relations as a FIGHT. More of a collaboration. We want to fly for a living and we want them to be profitable so we can continue to fly for a living. If they don't treat us well enough, we will find a job elsewhere or start our own business.
I do want to point out that people like me, especially at the former NJI, don't think of labor/management relations as a FIGHT. More of a collaboration. We want to fly for a living and we want them to be profitable so we can continue to fly for a living. If they don't treat us well enough, we will find a job elsewhere or start our own business.
That's the way it should be, and was before Sokol stole the company. He instilled a huge sense of distrust and animosity apparently flowing from both directions. One of the first things I noticed when I came over from the airlines was that when an issue that affected the company came up, both parties sat down, went to RTS's office, whatever, and hammered out a solution that was beneficial to both parties.

Not so now. You are now nothing more that a number filling a seat. You are a line item. You are an expense to NJA, and thus Berkshire that needs to be controlled, and controlled only for the personal gain of a labor attorney who is attempting to make a name for himself in the business world. You are no longer an asset to the company as you were when previous management was running the show. You are now a liability, and liabilities must be minimized.

The finger pointing you're seeing now is happening because we went from having a mature management staff that knew what was best for the company and saw it's employee groups as partners to a juvenile management group who thinks they know what is best for the company. The same thing has happened at almost all the airlines. Management went from having street smarts gained through experience to having book sense written by clueless idiots on how to maximize production and profit. Problem is aviation doesn't work that way.

Want proof? Ask yourself what the owners pay for. It's not only their airplane they paid for. It's the experience. Fiji water, the catering they want, clean cabins, no waiting on the phone for Owner Services, and pilots wearing gold ties. Current management has made cuts and diminished the level of service in the name of return to BH. They want to further diminish the company and owner experience by outsourcing your job through scope reductions. It is no longer about you, it is no longer about the owner, it is no longer about maintaining the most prestigious name in aviation. It is simply about a wet behind the ear little sh#$, his ego, and how a senile old SOB in Omaha perceives him during his first foray into running a business.

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