He's never given one solid piece of proof as to why IBB was a failure. All along, everyone who's voted for it has been very happy with their decision. Yet to meet a person who didn't like their vote outcome.
And the people it was aimed at (SIC's) LIKE MYSELF. Are very happy that it passed.
His arguements hold no merit when the people's lives it was meant to improve, and the people who voted for it, are happy they did vote for it.
He'll argue that it created furloughs. BUT THE PEOPLE THAT WERE FURLOUGHED AND VOTED YES ARE STILL HAPPY THEY VOTED YES. INCLUDING MYSELF. I'd rather be furloughed and come back to an IBB improved contract, than be furloughed and come back to the '05 crap the SIC's had before. Correction, I wouldn't come back to a pre-IBB Netjets. To top that off, I would rather be furloughed and come back to an IBB contract than to have never been furloughed and be making peanuts and commuting 5 hrs. to the nearest base. Or trying to negotiate a contract in these economic times.
So.. screw up the good part of the contract that was worked hard for ... ?? Yeah thats a great idea. You had no patience at all.