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New trend for AirTran negotiations?

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I didn't go dissing your Steelers, don't you be bashing my 'Boys. ;)

Seriously, there's only one person on that team that gives everyone else a bad name. I thought they did quite well this season, although they deserved to lose after that playoff performance. What a joke!

Ever since Tom Landry left, the organization has lost some of its luster. I felt bad for Tony Romo.

But then again my Steelers didn't exactly represent all that well this year. Thanks to all the Ravens' fans who reminded me of that this year.
Why do you only say the FO pay rates need to got up? I think ALL pay rates need to go up. FO is currently 60% of CA pay (average) up through 8th year, which seems to be relatively standard (frontier and jetblue.) Some are higher %, but some are lower.
This in house union is also a much better option than ALPA or Teamsters.
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WE DO KNOT WANT TEAMSTERS on property.. With the possible exception of Horizon (which was still a cluster) they do not have a good reputation in the airline industry... BTW... RP will be back on line March 1st... Everyone kissed, made up, and apoligized... Good to hear, this goes a little way (though small) in restoring some credability between the union and company...
I've been here a year and I can definitely say that AAI is 10X better than what I experienced at a certain commuter.
Not to rain on your parade, and I'm glad that you're happy but...
This is the problem I see over and over again; Comparison of where you are now to the commuter job you left.

STOP thinking like a regional. You are a g-dam MAJOR airline pilot now. Start thinking like one and start showing the strength of resolve that the title expects of you.
This in house union is also a much better option that ALPA or Teamsters. If you are not happy with it, get involved and share your expertise.[/quote]

This union couldn't be much worse. It gives the average line pilot very little recourse when the leaders are not speaking for them. Complain about ALPA all you want, but the dues are less there and you get a lot more bennies to go with them. Not to mention that we are currently paying more in dues during contract negotiations so that we can pay for third party(ALPA) help. So basically we get more for less and use the extra to pay for what we could already have. I would rather have ALPA and be bitching about them, at least I would have someone to bitch to and someone would be held accountable. Here, it's take or leave it which sucks when the dues are the among the highest and the return is among the lowest in membership bennies not to mention the lop-sided control that the company enjoys. I don't see how ALPA or Teamsters could be any worse. This union wrote an LOA that made it so no one could grieve the holiday mess, then they followed it up with another LOA that made SAP II worthless so that we could keep our precious flica. They also decided to use these dues to fund a committe to support age 65 without asking it's members what they thought and is only supported by a minority of pilots at the top. Sorry, but if you think this "in house" union is a better option than I would hate to see where you come from because it doesn't get much worse than this. The moral is low because of all the crap the company has gotten away with. Every company tries to get away with this stuff, it's just that our union has not only allowed it, but piece by piece, written away our contract so that we can't grieve it.
STOP thinking like a regional. You are a g-dam MAJOR airline pilot now. Start thinking like one and start showing the strength of resolve that the title expects of you.

" . . . And for God's sake, TUCK IN THOSE PAJAMAS!". :laugh:

I, too, am tired of the former regional guys that use that as a basis point for comparison . . . . or the military guys who think everything is great beacuse "We get to sleep in real BEDS and no one's shootin' at us!"

Again, not a basis for comparison.

Sledneck, I've been under teamsters and they're much worse.
I agree with your examples and acknowledge NPA is not perfect, but it has improved greatly and continues to do so. The examples you cite are minor compared to the chit that used to go on!
I still believe NPA gives us better representation than ALPA. Convince me ALPA is better, what additional recourse would be available if the SNAFUs you listed had occurred under their watch. I'm truly curious, as I've never been a member.
I still believe NPA gives us better representation than ALPA. Convince me ALPA is better, what additional recourse would be available if the SNAFUs you listed had occurred under their watch. I'm truly curious, as I've never been a member.
There isn't a big difference between unions; there's just not. I've seen a lot of stuff go by all three unions at three different carriers. Everyone is restricted by the RLA.

That said, there's a lot of things that were given up under the current administration than should not have been. At the very least, they should have been cashed in as a BIG bargaining chip for something else.

Unfortunately, it was an opportunity missed; that's what aggravates me so much, and it all boils down to the people at the helm of the NPA as to how the recent issues have been managed.

THAT'S why I say it's the senior reps of ANY union that make the difference.

I also don't "like" the idea of switching representation right now either, but something NEEDS to give on the F/O rates. I agree that CA rates need to go up also, but 4% on 5 and 6 year F/O rates?? That's not even COLA!!

p.s. Yes, I sent my email directly to AP by copying his email address off the pilot side of the NPA website. I also copied the girl that runs the office, and she acknowledged that I had the right address when I sent the 2nd one and CC'd her. :uzi:

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