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New Skywest RJ rates????

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Smells like....
Mar 7, 2002
I'll keep it short and to the point...

What are the new Skywest RJ pay rates for:

1) CRJ-50 and 70 F/O yrs 1 thru 5

2) CRJ-50 and 70 Cap yrs 1-10

The same as they've been for the last year. 700+ pilots here or roughly 53% are willing to fly the 70 seaters for 50 seat pay so thats what it will be.

You use to be able to access the pay scale on www.skywestpilot.com, however the information is not on there now. Sorry, I don't know another link.
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700+ or 53% of the pilots are willing to fly 50-99 seats for the same rates agreed upon 2 years ago.
Embarrassing, possibly bordering upon ???.
I voted no and am still pi$$ed

What a bunch of sellout whores. When does it stop, are we going to fly 747s for DC-9 payrates, just to get them on property? You are telling the world what you think you are worth. A blow to the whole industry, this is no better than what Mesa did. Embarrassing is right. If I was one of the 53%, I couldn't look myself in the mirror.
Hey Mr Striker:

Yes, it sucks that 53% of the SKYW pilot group caved...but if you haven't noticed, the industry is in the crapper right now, and a few other regionals have already taken some concessions. SKYW isn't the first one to take it in the shorts. Ok, so a few SKYW pilots might have to fly 70 seats for 50 seat wages for 6 months or maybe a little longer. It could be worse...at least the 50 seat rates weren't cut. SKYW pilots don't owe the industry anything...every pilot group has to do what they have to do to remain competitive. If your airline was independent like AWAC, ACA, etc, I'm sure you'd be whores too. Anyways, I'd also like to invite you to go have sex with yourself....and have a nice day.

This issue was beaten to death several days ago, leave the corpse alone.

P.S.- I voted no...I have no need to fly a 70 seater.
Good luck to you Scumwest pilots in your efforts to take our (ASA and Comair) 70 seat aircraft. But, I don't think it will work for you. DAL will still find it more profitable to have us operate the CR7 at the WO's. All you have done is show your true colors.
do you really think Skywest pilots are out to screw you? Do you really think this is about you? Get over yourself! It is you who has shown his true colors.
JBcrjca said:
Hey Mr Striker:

SKYW pilots don't owe the industry anything...every pilot group has to do what they have to do to remain competitive. If your airline was independent like AWAC, ACA, etc, I'm sure you'd be whores too. Anyways, I'd also like to invite you to go have sex with yourself....and have a nice day.

P.S.- I voted no...I have no need to fly a 70 seater.

Congratulations that you were one of the few that had a backbone to vote no. As far as your invitation, I'd like to invite you outside to run into my fist for awhile, maybe that would make you feel better. You may not owe the industry anything, but don't you think you owe it to yourself to be worth something? When does it stop? (I ask again.) If they promised you 717's tomorrow, if you flew them for 50 rates plus 1%, would you guys take it? The guys that voted yes did no one a favor, especially not your pilot group. How in the hell are you going to raise the rates once these aircraft are on property? Good luck suckers....
Re: Un-fing-believable

Ted Striker said:
What a bunch of sellout whores.

This is all one big f*cking joke. One pilot group calling another "whores" and blaming them for bringing down the industry. First it was AWAC guys calling Mesa pilots whores. Then came the AWAC TA. What? Now we have a new set of "whores". Then the Skywest TA. What? The new "whores de jour".

Guess what? You're ALL whores. Whatever company rams the next TA down your throats will be the next group of "whores". There's a lot of big talk here about how it will never happen to us. We won't stand for it. We'll shut the f#cker down!! BULLSH!T. You'll do the same thing that everyone else did. Cave because you have no choice. Anyone that says any different is a dam liar.

So who's next? ACA? ASA? It makes no difference. Whichever company decides to force the issue. It'll all be the same. Then you get your turn to wear the red dress and pumps.

All the name calling is for one reason and one reason only. Because it IS all about you. For a few minutes here on this anonymous board, you can point fingers and call names. Kind of like on the kindergarten playground. You would care less what the other group does, if it was about them. But it's not. Somehow, it's all about YOU. And when it's your turn in the barrel, then it really will be about you.

Yeah you...you know, the whore.

What a joke.

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