I personally don't want someone else filing my flight plans, planning my routes around weather, giving me my alternates, planning my meals, ect.. I have NEVER had anyone do that for me. I have been doing it myself for my whole flying career. Some who have never been in the military don't understand how we have operated or operate. Pilots, particularly the PIC is in charge of EVERYTHING from arranging our own hotels, meals, rental cars, diplomatic clearances, customs, ect.. I have been carrying the same lunch box with me in the airplane for 20+ years. We are doing it all and I LOVE IT. CS has you file your own flight plans, and seem to give the pilots some relative autonomy in their flight decision making...that is right down my alley. I guess I don't want someone sitting at a desk telling me where and how I am going to fly my mission. That, in my book is for me to decide, plan and execute.
This is not an attack, but I need to say that for all you claim to know about the industry, this shows how little you do know. In the military have you ever been given 14 minutes to plan, load, and launch your aircraft? I doubt it. It happened to me a few tours back. I mean to say that we had no idea we were on a trip, much less what the destination was until 14 minutes prior to the owner showing up at the airport,--and when they show up they expect to leave. Oh yeah there were three legs total (two more recovery legs after the first) with a max ground turn of 35 minutes. The lack of full service dispatch was an obstacle for us on this day. We would have benefitted greatly from the help. (If anyone is thinking about telling me we should have denied the trip, or has other suggestions on how we should have handled the scenario--save it for another thread).
The real lesson here is that dispatch does not dictate to the crew. A professional dispatcher works as part of the crew--as others have stated. Your statement about not being told about how to plan or execute a flight seem a little bit stand off-ish; like you know better and need no help from anyone--a one man army... I prefer to fly with people who solicit and employ all the help they can get. Those are the aviators who stand out; not the people who take it all upon their own shoulders. Real dispatch is a tremendous resource. It should be thought of as such, and it is something for CS to work toward attaining.
Again this is nothing meant for you to take personally; just my own thoughts after having read your post. I wish you success in your application. CS is a great place to work, and there is still room for improvement.