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New Cargo Company

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OK you're looking for one (1) airplane to start your business and I really think it should be a Lockheed Constellation. Youre talking about going into business against Fed-ex, UPS, etc. and this one airplane would Out-SEXY them to beat the band. You have money you said... and this would make thier mojo very 3 inches if you know what i mean....
Look out Freight World! This child is HOT!

PS, I'll come fly that sexy beast for a mere 45k/year. PM me and I'll send you my resume. :)
Go to college, major in business.

Get a job with an air freight company to learn the business well.

Then consider starting a biz.
Don't forget about buying all of that Prop Wash. That stuff is pretty expensive too.
It's too late for the boots, save the

Even with $400M, you won't be able to
butt heads with UPS, Fedex, DHL, or
maybe what is left of KittyHawk...why?

You don't have the contracts, ground equip,
or any established routes/infrastructure
established. UPS operated as a ground
only operation, then leased aviation
services before starting their own flt dept.

You do have an idea...which is exactly
where the aformentioned outfits were
back in the dark ages. Problem is it
ain't new, and there are a bunch of
people doing it in every type of A/C

You need to come up with how your new
company will do things so much better
that you can get an edge, and figure out
what you are trying to do before you go
looking for an aircraft type. What market
do you want to get into? Non aligned?
On demand? Schedualed and integrated?
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TxPilot0878, I checked around for sites, I picked a few and this is one of them. I am trying to get a business going, part of being in business is to know your business. Air Freight isn't anything without it's planes, Pilots, mechanics, probably better then anyone, except possibly the engineer.

I am really am trying, I went to Umass Amherst yesturday and got a few books out on Air Freight. I am going to start making an expense chart for what exactly I need. Then formulating an Income chart.

I never said I was expert in this feild, and am trying to learn as much as possible.

Now, a number of you said Fed Ex and UPS will blow you out of the water, and you need a nitch. Well **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** straight I do. So I will be looking for a nitch, through customer service, calling up different companies, and asking what they would like to see out of UPS and Fed Ex, and also talking to a fe of my friends as well.

Now, I was more concerned with costs and finances and stuff, but I guess your right blechfire, it is definately time for me to figure out what I want to ship. I was thinking computer parts, and honestly, I never put a damper on anything. However, I wouldn't go looking for anything, like shipping packages to grandma (like Fed Ex and UPS), I was thinking more company or government shipping, but I would not be against shipping some of UPS's things if they ran out of room on a certian flight or something, as long as it was worth my time.

Also, I was thinking of nitches, and Half day shipping seems decent, but I definately need better, as you guys mentioned. I have people working on this as we speak.

Contracts and stuff all go through agents now, but I was going to try to get back in touch with businesses, call them up and ask if we could ship there things and negotiate something.

This part of the business is really kindof fuzzy to me, but I figured it would be polite and such to call up, directly instead of working through an agent. However, i would for some odd jobs. I am not totally positive. However, I know it goes into detail on this in those books I have so I will read them. However, until then I would be ahppy to hear anything you would like to say about this subject and about air freight in general.

TonyC, I know a spell bad, and have bad grammer online, it is because I am on the run a lot back and forth from places, but in school, I definately do not spell like this, and I actually reread what I right in school, and do grammer checks and spelling checks.
xfr8dog, can I fly that connie with you?

Hey kid, the best advice that came out of here is go to school, read about Mr. Smith and go from there. FedEx almost didn't make it except for some really shaddy deals...and he was the first to do it in airplanes for the most part. If you got a better idea than Fred's, you better be really well funded.

If you really want to know more about this industry try to get an internship with a freight company. There is a lot of competion out there in all aspects (scheduled, on demand, charter...etc.)

Get a summer job at some frieght company, that is your best bet.
What the heck is this "nitch" thing this kid keeps talking about looking for? Is it some kind of furry animal? Or perhaps it's some new hip-hop thing?

I'm puzzled...

As for the freight thing...find your niche and I'm sure you'll be a billionaire in no time.
I still think you're an adult "funning" us but in case you are for real, allow me to provide you with some advice. (Worth what you paid for it.)

I was going to say polishing your communication skills and completing your education should be your priority, but I've re-read your posts and my question to you is this: Is English your second language? If so, I think I understand your situation much better. (And please ignore my next paragraph:))

If English is your native tongue, then dude, you have some major problems. While I think it's wonderful that you want to start a business, your posts suggest an intellect inacapable of succeeding as an entreprenuer. Please understand that I don't mean that as an insult, read my last sentence carefully, with an emphasis on the word suggest. I'm not saying you're not smart, you may very well be more intelligent than I, but your lack of ability to clearly communicate will prevent you from ever being successful on the scale you imagine. Like others have said, instead of putting the cart before the horse, concentrate first on educating yourself and polishing your comm skills, then worry about starting an airline. Again please disregard this paragraph if English is a second language to you.

Secondly, your comment concerning polling FedEx/UPS customers to find out: "what they would like to see." Man, get real. These organizations pickup your packages and deliver them almost anywhere in the world in less than 36 hours AT THE MOST, what's not to like? If your idea for a business model was feasible, some billionaire would have done it already. One could not ever build an organization capable of competing profitably, even with unlimited funds. How serious are these freight operations about their customers? I once flew an extra hour and forty five minutes in a Cessna Caravan (1.2M asset) to deliver a missorted DHL letter. One envelope! They would rather spend one thousand dollars than have a single upset customer if they can avoid it. Abex, FedEx, and UPS are the same.

There's no reason you can't suceed in business, but you have to set your sights a bit lower. My boss was 21 years old with no colateral when he talked a banker out of 4 million dollar loan to purchase his first Learjet. He now owns a large FBO and charter company at the age of 36. All self-made. But he had to do the legwork first. By 21 he had an A&P (airplane mechanic) and most of his pilot's certificates and several thousand hours of flying time, hauling freight then rock n' roll groups on tour.

I'm not trying to discourage you, to borrow a phrase, I wish you success!
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