Guys, UAL has zero furloughees that were tossed out while still on the 777/400. In fact, most furloughees were A320 or 300 drivers by the time they got "surplused". Very few furloughees went directly from the 767 to the unemployment line. That means the most senior furloughed pilot with a Summer 1999 hire date was making about $86 and change with a couple of 767 guys making about $101.
Remember this, the top 1100 or so furloughees on the street from UAL have been furloughed twice and have NOT been accrueing longevity for pay purposes.
Saying "it blows" is a dramatic understatement.
Dude, there were a lot of senior pilots who took the voluntary furlough. When I retired from the AF Reserve last fall (collecting Active Duty retirement), I took one of the J4J positions at Skywest. One of the UAL guys in the class used to be a 777FO with well more than 12 yrs on property. I resigned from Skywest a few days into training but there were a lot that stuck it out.
As for me, I was furloughed off of the 75/76 (was on mil lv) in May 2009 at 3rd year pay (waaay too much furlough time; was hired Jun 2000). Yeah, I'll do bottom reserve out of EWR for $88/hr.
But I'm getting old and I get fatigued a lot easier than all you young bucks. And since I don't need the money (my retirement check is more than enough + wife still active duty), I have no problems informing schedulers that I'm too fatigued to fly on any occasion that they try to push me. I lose pay over it? Not a threat; we're banking money every month without me working.