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NetJets To Picket

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I find it impossible to believe being furloughed doesn't make you biased, and I don't believe you've arrived at the above information through your own analysis. Doesn't take a scientist to figure out what the EMT has or hasn't done correctly.

This rhetoric you post is amazingly similar to the union website boards
and its obvious to me someone has given you have access to them.unfortunately no, I don't have access to the grown up portion. Unless you want to give me your sign on and password?[/QUOTE]

Being furloughed has nothing to do with the bias. Unless you have blinders on, the sentiment is shared by alot of SIC's and PIC's still at NJA..... You don't see it?

Sure you don't have access.
Carry on with the hating, misery loves company.
Like them or not the EMT still pays our salaries, puts food on our tables, and keeps roofs over our heads.

The EMT does NOT pay my salary, does NOT put food on my table, and certainly does NOT keep a roof over my head.

NetJets (not the EMT) pays me a salary in exchange for the hard work that I perform for NetJets.

I use money from that salary (which I worked very hard for) to put food on my table, pay down my mortgage and thus keep a roof over my own head.

Members of the EMT are nothing more than employees of NetJets who also receive a salary in exchange for work they perform for NetJets.

Your statement implies the EMT is some "paternal benefactor" who provides for us and our fellow employees - which is ABSOLUTELY NOT the case. I just wanted to clarify that point.
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Cheaper prices.

Store A sells Budweiser for $10 and guarantees it's fresh or they'll replace it as soon as they can.

Store B is right next door and sells Budweiser for $13.50 and guarantees it's fresh or they'll replace it within 1 hr.

Given the reality is that both replacements come pretty much within the same time frame as evidenced through your other drinking buddies who have used the cheaper store, where do you buy your beer when it's time to go shopping.

If I can figure this out with my Deep South ed you k shun, why can't the primates running NJA?

JP, I understand your concern, but I seriously doubt anything spewed on this message board is ever going to influence anything in regards to the way NJA management runs the business. I can't imagine all that many owners have the time or the interest to read what goes on here. The few that do are probably more informed on what goes on between the company and the pilots than the average line Joe. Hope ya'll have a Merry Christmas!
I would classify the current EMT as "caretaker" managers. They have zero vested interest in the company, and could care less about any employee but themselves. RTS was the father of this baby, and realized the success we achieved was a result of more than himself. It took a while, but that epiphany finally came.

While RTS is truely a great entrepeneur, he placed all his eggs in sales, and liked to delegate responsibility like WB. Trouble is, his loyalties brought in folks who really couldn't manage to tie their own shoes, much less run an operation we turned into. He put way too much trust in those that nearly cost 6000 jobs.

DS came in and actually did do some good. Turning us into a profitable enterprize based upon operations alone puts us in a tremendous advantage when sales do increase, and they will. The furlough was not the catalist to profits either. That was but a small part of cost savings, and the fact is, we hired too many assuming those never ending sales would continue.

The real issue is we currently have a union busting lawyer in charge. He even has the gaul to deny his daddy's firm is involved in union matters at all, and said recently he had no idea the employees considered him a union buster. Why he has to be confrontational with the organized employees is beyond me. Our relationship to the old EMT was one of harmony and cooperation unlike any I've seen, except maybe Southwest. It would seem this guy is simply unable to adapt to a new way of thinking-that this group is easy to work with when we're treated with respect, much less as adults. Then again, some of the recent actions and correspondences have been rather childish in themselves. Maybe he doesn't know how.

Who is to say that the rumors about bad management prior to 08 are actually true? Did RTS really not have a plan? Was the company minutes from collapse?

It could be true but most of us have no REAL information or facts that this was in fact true.

Putting all the eggs in sales? Most of the eggs should be in sales. Thats what makes the business go round and round.

Someone please tell the truth?

RTS had this place making the best profits since the company was founded in 2006 and 2007 and through 08 until the housing Queen Barney franks plan finally bankrupted the housing industry. After all Barney Idiot Frank is the one that caused this whole mess.

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I would classify the current EMT as "caretaker" managers. They have zero vested interest in the company, and could care less about any employee but themselves. RTS was the father of this baby, and realized the success we achieved was a result of more than himself. It took a while, but that epiphany finally came.

While RTS is truely a great entrepeneur, he placed all his eggs in sales, and liked to delegate responsibility like WB. Trouble is, his loyalties brought in folks who really couldn't manage to tie their own shoes, much less run an operation we turned into. He put way too much trust in those that nearly cost 6000 jobs.

DS came in and actually did do some good. Turning us into a profitable enterprize based upon operations alone puts us in a tremendous advantage when sales do increase, and they will. The furlough was not the catalist to profits either. That was but a small part of cost savings, and the fact is, we hired too many assuming those never ending sales would continue.

The real issue is we currently have a union busting lawyer in charge. He even has the gaul to deny his daddy's firm is involved in union matters at all, and said recently he had no idea the employees considered him a union buster. Why he has to be confrontational with the organized employees is beyond me. Our relationship to the old EMT was one of harmony and cooperation unlike any I've seen, except maybe Southwest. It would seem this guy is simply unable to adapt to a new way of thinking-that this group is easy to work with when we're treated with respect, much less as adults. Then again, some of the recent actions and correspondences have been rather childish in themselves. Maybe he doesn't know how.

IBB sucked. When are you gonna figure this out? Most of the pilots already have. IBB and the housing crisis are why we are having the troubles now. Period end of story. Why you would hang your hat on something that was based off of union people leaving for management is beyond me. Thats the only reason IBB ever happened. Get real.
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Raj, while I don't believe it was as bad as some portray, there was indeed vast waste. Here are just a few examples:

-The square peg/round hole adaptors for Fiji water cost over 250k. Gee, why not buy smaller bottles to begin with?

-The "Lord" who designed the Hamburgler paint scheme was paid over 7 figures/year as a "consultant".

-The redisign of amenities cost millions, including ear plugs that were not useable, specially wrapped tissues, our own gum, etc. Most of which has been discontinued.

It is said RTS didn't care what it cost to make things right. While a good philosophy, potentially very wasteful when you add it all up. Especially when those making the decisions are making bad ones. Cost reductions in the first 5 weeks post RTS were huge. We all saw it, and were ignored when we brought it up the chain of command.

And you will never see me suggesting our CBA negatively affects our bottom line. If anything, when we engage the EMT in section six, I expect to see a sizeable raise, as profits will be far higher when sales do resume. As long as we meet our goals for BKS, I expect a fair share.

I will give you credit. Not much anyone says gets under your belt. I can't seem to piss you off even though I try real hard sometimes.

IBB just pisses me off. I know we have much bigger issues now.

I do like the theory to let people make their own beds. That philosophy worked well last spring.
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