If it's none of our business, why would you post about it on a public message board?
Look at me!!! I'm so special!!! Look at me!!!!
Odd thing here is, we know just about everyone's, identity on this thread.
Are you all that naive to think others don't?
It's both amazing, and embarrassing that union members and volunteers are posting such disparaging remarks about our management and company on this board.
Like them or not the EMT still pays our salaries, puts food on our tables, and keeps roofs over our heads.
Many, many, disgruntled folks, furloughees included, (who BTW have the least to lose at this time) on this thread need to review their own ethics.
PS I know I'd be angry if my address was was posted on an anonymous internet message board.
Seems almost negligent not to have it moderated.
Shame on all of you!