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NetJets To Picket

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The pilots are happy wtih the contract and don't want to start no crap

we could live a happy marriage and work on sales and be a big happy family together

Pilots love airplanes and love flying them. Pilots don't want to start any crap at a time when they are happy. Just leave em alone

<<< but not even a christmas party to be found

oh well "It is What It Is"

My sentiments exactly!
That's my point! Anybody would have known it would unify the union folks.

I'm not so sure that they know that. I think JH, like his predecessor who hired and taught him, still thinks he's dealing with a group of uneducated electrical workers. I'd absolutely believe that he was surprised we didn't just roll over for a chance to hear the "plan."

So, who would benefit from this imbroglio? Seems to me, with all due respect, that this incident was engineered by Luthi. I don't know much of anything about union relations...
Let's just leave it at that, then. Only one party tried to change the ground rules at the 11th hour, and it wasn't Luthi.
Only 1 thing we need to know about the 3 minute meeting. It wasn't Luthi and Co. who wanted it to end abruptly with nothing getting accomplished...

The EMT is searching for anything they can pin on the Union to deflect attention from the fact they are not getting the job done... They are passing their propoganda message along to anyone who will listen. Which will probably be limited to only people like screen readers, the cleaners, and maybe a few people that take care of the expense reports.

And again, there is only 1 denominator that has changed over the last 6-7 years... The EMT.... I think in this case it is prudent to realize and understand that all else being somewhat equal, the EMT is the one who is rocking the boat but they don't have a life jacket(sales) to back it up. Maybe if they were actually showing improvements they would have a leg to stand on, but to this point they have accomplished nothing to make NJA better besides do some obvious things that any line pilot could have thought of or already has..
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Only 1 thing we need to know about the 3 minute meeting. It wasn't Luthi and Co. who wanted it to end abruptly with nothing getting accomplished...

The EMT is searching for anything they can pin on the Union to deflect attention from the fact they are not getting the job done... They are passing their propoganda message along to anyone who will listen. Which will probably be limited to only people like screen readers, the cleaners, and maybe a few people that take care of the expense reports.

And again, there is only 1 denominator that has changed over the last 6-7 years... The EMT.... I think in this case it is prudent to realize and understand that all else being somewhat equal, the EMT is the one who is rocking the boat but they don't have a life jacket(sales) to back it up. Maybe if they were actually showing improvements they would have a leg to stand on, but to this point they have accomplished nothing to make NJA better besides do some obvious things that any line pilot could have thought of or already has..

I think the other denominator is the stagnant economy, Bent. This 15 trillion dollar debt has me and lots of other people scared to death, including lots of potential owners. It is now 100 percent of GDP and rising.
Because BRK has had it with this place.

Unfortunately I agree with you...

For the sake of discussion....
Why not sell it?? Why shrink it and decrease it's resale value?

I'm sure there's some financial wizardry I don't know about, but 1 thing I do know is not to purchase something that is decreasing in value. (except an automobole of course, then again my first auto was a 1967 Camaro that I sold for more than I bought it, 3 years later)

Can anyone explain why BRK simply won't sell it. Especially when the rumor was RTS wanted it back at some point. Pride??

Hang in there Nordo, the one thing I don't think is going to happen is another furlough (gut feeling). If they have had plans to shrink this place I believe they would have furloughed already due to the "shrinkage plan". As it stands they "plan" on taking more planes later next year and into 2013, Plus 2016 and beyond. The time for furloughing is coming to an end IMO. Remember that window (18 months) a furlough would have to be in effect to be worth the $$...

Of course that's subject to change whenever Jordo, Billy, and Shane the Pain decide to piss into the wind. YES GOOSE, THAT WAS FOR YOU.
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