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NetJets To Picket

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They just don't get it. They need to watch Santulli's videos. riding out a Recession and Proving to your customers that you care

They aren't going to watch Santulli's videos. Doing what Santulli did doesn't maximize profit, it maximizes Netjets.

Anyone have any ideas on what Jordie Buttwhistle's motivations are? I still haven't figured out in which arena he's trying to make a name for himself. Business world, or labor law world. Seems there would be more $$$ in the business world.
Comments in red above. JH was going for a divide and conquer tactic. The pre-written blast email that was sent after the meeting is evidence of that. He was hoping that there would be suckers who ACTUALLY blame the union leadership for the failure of the meeting and you be vocal.

He had NO intention of having a productive meeting with the union. If he didn't leave because of the lawyers, it would have been something else (a remark taken out of context, the way someone holds a coffee cup, the color of someone's shirt, etc...). He, and the entire current EMT, hasn't learned what happens to the pilots when they become upset.

If you're curious of my opinion as to "another explanation for what happened at the meeting" it is inexperience and bad leadership from the CEO.

NJA's behavior at that meeting is so incomprehensible, I don't think stupidity is the explanation. The only thing I can think of is, maybe events did not happen as they were explained to us. Question is, if I am correct, who is lying? And why?
NJA's behavior at that meeting is so incomprehensible, I don't think stupidity is the explanation. The only thing I can think of is, maybe events did not happen as they were explained to us. Question is, if I am correct, who is lying? And why?
Well, I don't think your question needs to be answered because most respectfully, you are wrong. Stupidity is the explanation. He wanted to divide, but instead he strengthened the union. Now he is scrambling

Look for a mailer to come to your house next from the company outlining the "deplorable actions of the nefarious union." This is also a divide and conquer tactic designed to fill our heads with fear and doubt in the union leaders. It will all be half-truths and lies that are almost believable that you will think "maybe the EMT actually wanted to meet" and "I never knew the union was that evil". Remember. THEY ARE HALF TRUTHS AND LIES.

The ONLY group in that meeting who are ACTUALLY concerned with US (the pilots) were the union leaders. The EMT is ONLY concerned about THEMSELVES. Want proof? Ask STW if he plans to be here in 2 years. Ask BN the same question (when he tells you yes ask him why he's selling his house then).
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Well, I don't think your question needs to be answered because most respectfully, you are wrong. Stupidity is the explanation. He wanted to divide, but instead he strengthened the union. Now he is scrambling

Look for a mailer to come to your house next from the company outlining the "deplorable actions of the nefarious union." This is also a divide and conquer tactic designed to fill our heads with fear and doubt in the union leaders. It will all be half-truths and lies that are almost believable that you will think "maybe the EMT actually wanted to meet" and "I never knew the union was that evil". Remember. THEY ARE HALF TRUTHS AND LIES.

The ONLY group in that meeting who are ACTUALLY concerned with US (the pilots) were the union leaders. The EMT is ONLY concerned about THEMSELVES. Want proof? Ask STW if he plans to be here in 2 years. Ask BN the same question (when he tells you yes ask him why he's selling his house then).

You might be right. However, I know BN and SE, and they are definitely NOT stupid. If they are leaving for greener pastures, I wonder which pastures they are gazing at?
You might be right. However, I know BN and SE, and they are definitely NOT stupid. If they are leaving for greener pastures, I wonder which pastures they are gazing at?

They might not be stupid, but they are unwilling (or afraid) to stand up and do what it right for their employees. Instead they have decided to be "yes" men to the Sokol/Hansell regime.

That in itself isn't smart.
Well, I don't think your question needs to be answered because most respectfully, you are wrong. Stupidity is the explanation. He wanted to divide, but instead he strengthened the union. Now he is scrambling

Look for a mailer to come to your house next from the company outlining the "deplorable actions of the nefarious union." This is also a divide and conquer tactic designed to fill our heads with fear and doubt in the union leaders. It will all be half-truths and lies that are almost believable that you will think "maybe the EMT actually wanted to meet" and "I never knew the union was that evil". Remember. THEY ARE HALF TRUTHS AND LIES.

The ONLY group in that meeting who are ACTUALLY concerned with US (the pilots) were the union leaders. The EMT is ONLY concerned about THEMSELVES. Want proof? Ask STW if he plans to be here in 2 years. Ask BN the same question (when he tells you yes ask him why he's selling his house then).

Look for Eyers nice digs in that golf course community to go for sale soon too! (I bet)

Hansell's nice farmhouse will be up soon to. They are scrambling and losing and they know it.

First thing that happens when you realize you're in trouble is you figure out ways to be more fluid. (When Sokol took over the first thing I did was figure out how I could get out of my mortgage the quickest.) They have more scratch than us line guys so they can weather storms a little better, but a $750K+ home is still expensive when you are outta work.
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NJA's behavior at that meeting is so incomprehensible, I don't think stupidity is the explanation. The only thing I can think of is, maybe events did not happen as they were explained to us. Question is, if I am correct, who is lying? And why?

The company is, without question.

Why? To try and make the union look bad. In reality, all they've done is unify us.
that management team is going to completely destroy a once great company. If they would just honor the agreement they signed, NJ would really thrive. If they spent half the time on sales as they trying to destroy the pilot group, nj would be unstoppable.

really sad how management is treating it's employees.
The company is, without question.

Why? To try and make the union look bad. In reality, all they've done is unify us.

That's my point! Anybody would have known it would unify the union folks. So, who would benefit from this imbroglio? Seems to me, with all due respect, that this incident was engineered by Luthi. I don't know much of anything about union relations, but I know that needlessly aggravating the union is a BAD idea. I am suggesting BN and SE knew that too. Luthi set this up and carried it out, and it was a smart move. It got some smart members fired up, ready to storm the battlements.
The pilots are happy wtih the contract and don't want to start no crap

we could live a happy marriage and work on sales and be a big happy family together

Pilots love airplanes and love flying them. Pilots don't want to start any crap at a time when they are happy. Just leave em alone

<<< but not even a christmas party to be found

oh well "It is What It Is"

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