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NetJets To Picket

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They all have great jobs, are not ostracized at all, and are largely unknown to the vast majority of people they fly with. In short, they got away with it.

Yup. There's an Eastern scab in my fleet that I get paired with occasionally. We do not go out socially, I'll tell you that. (After a day of watching him creep out the FBO girls and playing "What did he screw with this time" every time I get into the cockpit, I'm too tired anyway!)
No one really sweats an 'airline scab'. Folks won't even know what a Frac-scab is. Think about it: ALPA bends over for the very people that scabbed their own picket lines. Plenty of ALPA pilots today, flying the line, wearing an ALPA pin, paying ALPA dues, that crossed that line. Why? EASY...no real draw backs...and a PUSSSSY of a union that doesn't have by-laws that forbids their return. ALPA is a money-generating organization that just happens to negotiate CBA's. That's all.

Worst-case, you get heat from the flight crew, and maybe an issue trying to JS to or from work...but I'm not thinking even that.

How many times here on FI have you seen a post from someone that denied boarding to someone trying to JS because their name came up on the scab-list? Exactly....

While a strike at NJ is possible, I think it very remote. And when folks cross, they cross....

The very nature of the biz has 400 airplanes at 300+ airports on any given day. That's a crapola of picket lines, with scabs covertly operating. It's a loose-loose, and IMHO, wouldn't make a grade-b news report.

Folks want to pay their bills and feed their families, so unless NetjetWife is gonna support and cook for 'em all, I see zero chance of a walk out....
No one really sweats an 'airline scab'. Folks won't even know what a Frac-scab is. Think about it: ALPA bends over for the very people that scabbed their own picket lines. Plenty of ALPA pilots today, flying the line, wearing an ALPA pin, paying ALPA dues, that crossed that line. Why? EASY...no real draw backs...and a PUSSSSY of a union that doesn't have by-laws that forbids their return. ALPA is a money-generating organization that just happens to negotiate CBA's. That's all.

Worst-case, you get heat from the flight crew, and maybe an issue trying to JS to or from work...but I'm not thinking even that.

How many times here on FI have you seen a post from someone that denied boarding to someone trying to JS because their name came up on the scab-list? Exactly....

While a strike at NJ is possible, I think it very remote. And when folks cross, they cross....

The very nature of the biz has 400 airplanes at 300+ airports on any given day. That's a crapola of picket lines, with scabs covertly operating. It's a loose-loose, and IMHO, wouldn't make a grade-b news report.

Folks want to pay their bills and feed their families, so unless NetjetWife is gonna support and cook for 'em all, I see zero chance of a walk out....

IMO, not even close to a walk-out... Crossing a picket line is still years away if it were to happen........

The scab list is not very long compared to the number of pilots flying. Chances of running into one from the CO, Eastern days is pretty rare. Especially since they are getting closer and closer to retirement.

I have flown with guys that carried the list. I flew with a guy who would request one's ALPA card (or Teamsters) before allowing the jumpseat. The same guy barely let on a JS'er because he only had an expired card with him.

You're right that in private aviation a scab list becoems much less usefull. But I can guarantee that IF there were ever a strike at NJA, those that scab would have a rougher life than those that didn't scab.

"Crew meal, whoops I forgot to get yours."

"I'm not sure where your bag is, I mean I know I put mine in the cargo bin. Didn't see yours. Sorry"

7 days of no conversation can get pretty old.

"Hope you don't screw something up because I will report you,"

I'm sure if we try hard enough we can find other ways to humiliate a scab..

IN HPN crew lounge....as we walk in.." Ladies and gentleman. Introducing XXXXXX. He is a scab!!"
No one really sweats an 'airline scab'. Folks won't even know what a Frac-scab is. Think about it: ALPA bends over for the very people that scabbed their own picket lines. Plenty of ALPA pilots today, flying the line, wearing an ALPA pin, paying ALPA dues, that crossed that line. Why? EASY...no real draw backs...and a PUSSSSY of a union that doesn't have by-laws that forbids their return. ALPA is a money-generating organization that just happens to negotiate CBA's. That's all.

Worst-case, you get heat from the flight crew, and maybe an issue trying to JS to or from work...but I'm not thinking even that.

How many times here on FI have you seen a post from someone that denied boarding to someone trying to JS because their name came up on the scab-list? Exactly....

While a strike at NJ is possible, I think it very remote. And when folks cross, they cross....

The very nature of the biz has 400 airplanes at 300+ airports on any given day. That's a crapola of picket lines, with scabs covertly operating. It's a loose-loose, and IMHO, wouldn't make a grade-b news report.

Folks want to pay their bills and feed their families, so unless NetjetWife is gonna support and cook for 'em all, I see zero chance of a walk out....
You had me up until that point... It's "L O S E"
while I agree in principle that it SHOULD be that way for them, the truth is that it really hasn't panned out that way at NJ. There are several UAL and Eastern scabs from the "A" side actively flying right now, and at least one known scab from the "I" side (there may be more). They all have great jobs, are not ostracized at all, and are largely unknown to the vast majority of people they fly with. In short, they got away with it.

G4: Stay classy little fella :laugh:

Yeah, I kinda lost my temper there. Sorry.
For those interested, the picket went GREAT yesterday!! Fantastic weather and good folks, of whom about 80 showed up! Had about a dozen or so mechanics in the line, and several dispatchers as well.

Even had a good laugh courtesy of management. Apparently, they told the other workers and management types at Easton not to come down and view the picket, as they were scared the union would accuse them of spying on us. LOL! These folks just get funnier and funnier. Spying on our PUBLIC picket? Oh, the secrets we all were carrying!:rolleyes:

Anyway, a very successful event. No, I don't believe we changed the world with it. I also don't believe we will have chased off any owners or potential owners with it. Yes, we displayed great solidarity and the willingness to not sit idly by while any EMT screws with our CBA. Is the EMT going to come running to us to fix the 401k because of this? No. But the pressure's on now, and we can step up the game if that's what becomes necessary.

The only folks who were noticably absent, were the GLC pilots. Only had one there, and he is actually an "A"-side crossover who is currently a union leader. Ah well, we'll keep doing the dirty work so this job stays the good job they keep telling us it is that we shouldn't be screwing with.

After yesterday's non-showing by any of the GLC pilots, I sadly must admit that G4 is probably right; if we ever had a strike, the GLC pilots would happily scab against us. I've always found the GLC pilots to be good folks, and have spent a lot of time defending them on our message boards, and advising everyone to provide a warm welcome into our union, but I think I'll just remain silent on those issues from now on. It's a shame we don't have a way to allow all the bad changes the EMT wants to make to just affect the GLC pilots while we enforce the CBA for everyone else. But, that's not how a union works. They now pay dues, and we WILL work on their behalf as well, even if they ridicule us and refuse to participate.

But back on track. It was a great event!

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