The only questions I've never answered have been personal in nature.
I can state that this is not true. You have often failed to answer direct questions that had nothing to do with you, but rather with the running of aviation companies. I have had to browbeat you to get any answers at all.
Furthermore, your arguments and comments over the years have been more one sided and narrow minded than almost any other poster that I can recall. I don't work for a union shop. I'm glad of that, but I'm also wary. I don't believe we need a union now, but we might some day in the future. I hope not. But if ever we were to need a union it would be because of attitudes such as yours. You do far, far more to further the argument for a union than you seem to realize. I believe that you are personally responsible for convincing many a pilot to send in his or her card over the years, and you may have just tipped the balance at both Flight Options and Citation Air.
Probably not. This is just one board, and there are less than one hundred active posters here, so maybe you don't really have that much influence. What influence you do have though, is pro-union.