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Netjets Interveiw

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So, if new hires come here and are expected to strike if and when the time comes, what are you guys saying- that they (probationaries) are going to be gone for good once fired, for striking?
Perhaps none of my business, but now all of a sudden a talk of a strike? Three years of negotiations and no strike yet, I just figured there would never be a strike if it hasn't happened yet. Is your union strong enough to convince all pilots it's in their best interest to walk a line? Just wondering.
800 Driver said:
x402 said:
How long would it take to make these guys PICs?

Can the company force upgrades??

The answer is no, that is according to the current CBA, you can't be forced to upgrade while on probation.
However, I'm guessing that during a work action all bets are off concerning the CBA rules. If they can get you to cross the line, then I bet they can get you to do just about anything, upgrade, change your schedule and hundreds of other things that will prolong the action.
They'd have to live up to 91, 91k, 135 and the Company FOM but don't look for the current contract to be much good until the action is over.
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Can the company force upgrades??
The company has forced upgrade in the past. Its happened a few years ago when we were hiring off the street captains. Most of the force upgrades made it but there were a few pilots who were terminated because they couldnt pass the checkride.
Three years of negotiations and no strike yet,

The people that brought us three years of negotiations are history, the TA was defeated by 82%. The new MEC was elected by 85% with 92% voting.
There's a new sheriff in town and the membership is behind them.
x402 said:
The people that brought us three years of negotiations are history, the TA was defeated by 82%. The new MEC was elected by 85% with 92% voting. There's a new sheriff in town and the membership is behind them.

Hope you're right, not trying to be one of the FLOPers that just want you guys to get more pay so we can ask for a raise too (those days are probably gone). We may make more money for now but I know everybody believes it to be sub-standard for the work we do across ALL the frax. Maybe some day it can become a respected profession and the people in the hotel van won't have to ask "What does fractional mean?"
I bet Netjets would hire someone that declined, if they are hurting bad enough for warm bodies to keep seats filled.
At least if there is a mass exudus of pilots, during a strike they could go back to hiring street captains.

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"What does fractional mean?"

I tell them its just another crappy company who is trying to make a buck at the expense of their employees.

As for the new MEC we hope so too. Things are definately changing. The union is actually fighting back against the company. Something DV and his arse hole buddies never did.

We actually have comittees that do something....imagine that. Seriously though, these guys are well organized. It usually takes over a year to seperate from a local and we will have done it in a matter of a short few months. There is progress. The media campaigns will start soon if the company refuses to play ball.

You see, the company had the old MEC in its pocket. With the new MEC the company is refusing to pull the negotiating committee of line so that it can come to CMH to negotiate. The old MEC was put on the flex, given endless extended days in order to negotiate.

The company is angered, no doubt about it. They dont want to negotiate they want to dominate. The old MEC chairman said "we dont want to make the company mad" when talking about strike votes or informational picketing. Hows that for a nutless wonder. The new MEC has taken a standpoint of what ever is necessary to get the contract we have earned.

It will probably get worse before getting better but the new MEC chairman said it will all be over in 5 months. Either way it will all be over. Im not exactly sure what he means but I cant wait to find out.

In the end go to the interview, eat the free food, take the tour and get the job. Dont take the job but rather put off the class dates until you are absolutely, positively sure you cannot find another job. Then, welcome aboard.
Let's say a proby walked out with the rest and got canned. How does the cost of the type and the 2-yr obligation play into this situation.

Just interested....the app is still in the desk drawer and waiting to see how things play out.


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