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NetJets for the New Year...

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In the past a new F/O could get umpteen extended days. That does not happen so much any more. I think the company used to tell people that low 40's for an F/O was possible. A good friend who spent his whole first year as an F/O(on F/O pay) took home around 34K. He did get some extended days due to training. That does seem to be the norm.
As for the per diem, we are fed quite often so in a 5, 6 or 7 day tour you might end up buying yourself 2 or 3 meals and thats it. At the very worst it seems you might have to buy yourself dinner each day. Breakfast and lunch are almost always provided by the hotel or company.
Fracster said:
took home around 34K.

That's not possible on FO pay unless he got A LOT of extended days. Gross pay is only 27K. Even factoring in per diem, it's just not possible for him to have taken home 34K without a lot of extended days or being on the flex.
Fracster said:
With more 121 guys getting hired the company gets more union educated angry pilots who wont put up with NJA bullsh!t.

If negotiations end up lasting that long(which I dont think it will) it will be filled with informational picketing, a strike vote, legal job actions etc...

It will be great.

Kinda off the subject, but this is the type of statement that hurts furloughed pilots from getting a good corporate job. Why would any employer want to hire a person that is going to stir up trouble? (not to say the netjet guys deserve more, because they do)
The 121 guys that have come to this company have done a great job making sure that this union is run like a union. They know how one actually works and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

A corporate department has there own worries. The pilots can bring problems directly to the CP. It's a small knit group.

I think you may have mistaken my point. The influx of retired/furloughed airline pilots has helped us greatly from a union standpoint. Not that they will cause problems but by their very presence they have shown so many how a union is supposed to act and run. Non of them come in with negative intentions but we can finaly draw from their experience and knowledge.
NJA is the way it is for many reasons. One being a lack of union presence. Our previous MEC did absolutely nothing to help the situation. An mec of 5 pilots tried to do absolutely everything themselves with no help from anyone. Dave Vermuelen is directly responsible for the problems we have today. Their lack of UNION experience led to the 82% TA rejection and 93% MEC rejection vote.
As for retired/furloughed airline pilots getting corp jobs I have no problem with it. These guys are amply qualified.

Throwing names out on the message board with a statement like that is out of line. There are many factors involved as to why we ended up as we did. Lack of an understanding of the contract. Lack of an understanding of the grievance process. Lack of pilot involvement. Apathy. Resignation. Ignorance about what a Union is and how it works.

Even the worst of MECs with a knowledgeable group of pilots couldn't have ended up in a similar situation to ours. A Union is only as strong as it's membership. We all share in the blame. We all need to move forward.

We ended up the way we were because, an only because, of him. No if, ands or buts about it.

The group was never educated because of DV, monies were never allocated to educational campaigns because of DV. The mediator believed employee/labor relations were good because of DV. We have lost 3 additional months of negotiating because of DV.

The pilot group understood the contract hence the vote. The pilot group understood the grievance process but when you so-called elected leadership did absolutely nothing to to take grievances further what could we do. Many, many pilots knew how a union was supposed to work and voiced their concerns only to be told everything was fine and "this is how things have always been done".

DV is solely responsible for the situation we are in and if we were a real union more people would have let him know about it.

Thank heaven we finally have a group who has the ability to lead and educate.
To coin the 60's, that's a "cop out, Man." To say that DV had so much power and we could do nothing about it is playing the victim in the extreme. We're not children here. We are adults, professional pilots in the real world. We allowed the situation to "be," for whatever reason. And that fact alone makes "us" responsible. Like it or not.

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