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Net Jets QOL

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2 14's and I need 12 off. Last tour 4 legs in 6 days, but not one day sitting in the hotel...hot sby at the airport...GO...WAIT, DON'T GO....WHY HAVEN'T YOU GONE YET? WHERE ARE YOU?

This tour airline day one....sby at the hotel day two with assigned rest thank you very much....16 hard hours off....
With all due respect...

Live4, I've spoken at length to all my NJ friends (6) and NONE of them explain a sked like you've described here. As a matter of fact, the skeds they claim are much better than yours.

So: Are you a liar? are you just a yes man? or are you patently unsafe in not knowing your limits.

Bad news Ace, you have to be one of those.....
With all due respect?

Is calling someone a liar, a yes man or unsafe respectfull? Maybe your post was just a big lie. Did you just have a conference call with all 6 of your NJA friends? Which schedule and fleet do they work? Re-read my post again, ACE.
hey ,1-tacan-rule, remember just because somebody you know doesn't have that schedule, doesn't mean that somebody else hasn't had 4 trips in a row like that.
Ok, no need to bicker. A tour like live4 described is possible. Not probable, but possible. Like I said, been here 6.5 years and never had one. However, I know some guys who have, and I have been worked to my limit and had to call in fatigued many times. Long story short, they will work you hard, and push you till you cry fatigue some times. I would say a typical tour though is one where you work hard, but are not abused. I would say that is the opinion of 80 percent plus. In over 6 years, I have never broken 450 hours of flying in a year.
I say again, Over.....


Please answer my question, because unless I've missed something, your possible answer must be one that I've offered:

If your sked is as you say:

a) you are a liar, and your are only telling this lie to trash the company (fine, just admit it)

b) you are a "yes" man who doesn't mind being run ragged because at the end of the day, you got the job done (again, fine, but please be man enough to admit it)

c) you are an unsafe pilot who doesn't know his limits. In this case, you are not doing your company or the owners any favors. Please take my advice (he says arogantly) and know when to say when. No one (the customers or your CPs) wants to die because you don't know when to say "enough."

Remember, you're not saving lives, or putting steel on target to eradicate Al Quida.....you're just moving a few butts from point A to point B.
a) NO

b) NO

c) NO

Remember, you're not saving lives, or putting steel on target to eradicate Al Quida.....you're just moving a few butts from point A to point B.
I'll try to remember this next time I am flying, thanks confucius.
1-tacan-rule said:
You probably meant "Confucious" but I got the point.
No, I meant Confucius.....As in the Chinese philosopher and teacher that types little pieces of paper for fortune cookies. I'm not a very good speller, so it shouldn't be hard to find other mistakes in my grammar.
QOL really sucks at NetJets. Hopefully after 91K gets implemented it will get better. You NEVER know when your show time is. They like calling at all times of the night to get you out to the airport.

For Gulfstream200, It's $27,000 not $24,000. You can actually buy super unleaded instead of regular.

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