Last year I decided against getting wrapped up in the Navy's PRK Accession program for civilians wanting to go to flight training. Wanted to go into the Navy all my life but I barely busted the vision requirement (Results were 20/50 during my flight physical and the requirement was 20/40). I was given the option of doing the PRK and getting the waiver in what was then a very new program and I decided against it because I didn't know what would happen with the program and because of other possible complications with vision, faa medicals, etc.... Well I've second guessed my decision ever since and being furloughed now has given me the opportunity to bail and do it differently. Has anyone had PRK? Known anyone who has, or seen guys come through flight training who got the waiver? Did they have any complications? After being in the airlines about a year, I'm thinking about a career change already. General opinions are also appreciated.