In 2004 I went and got the type. At the time SWA required 1000 pic turbine and I had approx. 1200 pic. I went on mil leave for AF pilot training and kept updating my app. only to find that the new mins were 1300 pic. Two questions: Am I breaking the rules by anwsering all of those Yes bubbles (Do you have 1300 pic) just to log on and keeping things current? Am I grandfathered in somehow by applying with the mins at the time? I will be a traditional guard guy in about 4 months and I really do not want to go back to the regional job, and would bum rather than fly the line waiting for the call? Last thing I want to do is go thru 8 weeks of more training just to get the additional 100hours. I heard a rumor it might go back down to 1000pic again. What do you all think?