Well, that would be great. I think RA and others in management have figured out that the 717 is a good RJ replacement. The Regionals are having tough times maintaining current schedules due to dwindling pilot numbers, and it will only get worse. DL doesn't have a problem yet getting new pilots, and more 717s combined with fewer frequencies to smaller cities (3 daily 717 flights vs 6 RJ flights) will keep passengers flowing into DL hubs with the same number of seats. Genius move, and I hope DL goes after these particular planes, and continues to try to get as many 717s as possible. The combination of expensive RJs and fewer pilots available to fly them is a problem, and more 717s could definitely be a solution. Maybe some new C-series planes at mainline could replace 70 seaters next.(CR7s)
Bye Bye---General Lee
What about the Emb-190?