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Midwest Airlines Interviewing and Hiring

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Gee how suprising. Ty talking smack about an airline that turned him down. How original! Too bad he never interviewed at UAL. We never would of heard the end of that...
nimtz said:
Gee how suprising. Ty talking smack about an airline that turned him down. How original! Too bad he never interviewed at UAL. We never would of heard the end of that...

No shame in being turned down by an airline.

I would rather be turned down by Midwest than try to justify why I was hired at 450tt at UAL in 1992 when there were thousands of experienced pilots on the street.

I like your name, though. It's like a cross between "numnutz" and "dimwits".
Disregarding Ty for a moment, there was one thing that was said that I have to take exception to.

Chuck said, "Will be there the rest of my career."

You've been around long enough to know not to make statements like that. There is no such thing as an airline career. Just another airline job.

Knock-on-wood -- I hope they'll be around for another 20 or 30 years. But I wouldn't tempt the impish aviation gods with a statement like that. ;)

Good luck
Ty, you're just upset because....

Ty Webb said:
Another cranky Florida transplant . . . . makes me glad I left the "sunshine" state when I did. . . . it was turning into "Jersey with a sunburn" ten years ago.

You'll be in good company there . . . . another crotchety retired pilot with a load in his depends and some orthopedic sneakers with the velcro laces.

Don't forget to put on your "re-entry" style cataract shades when you go outside, buddy.

...he was driving too slow in the fast lane with his blinker on and beat you to the "Early-Bird" special at Denny's.
If Ty was hired at Midwest he would be bragging up how great that place is. He is a dime a dozen, everything he does/owns is the best there is. A real product of his own environment.

My first and last post about this "guy"
It's just the Rapture

BenderGonzales said:
Right 2007 hiring boom....

You and Kit Darby dating?

It's like a erligious thing with Pilotyip!
what will be midex's minimums?

Yeah, I meant Skyway, not SkyWest. Those two get confused, but with the name change to Midwest Connect it'll be easier.

I think almost any job is a crapshoot if you're planning on 40 years and retiring, not just in the airline industry. I think that Midwest is probably riskier than, say, CAL, but it could be in 10 years that CAL is gone and Midwest is doing great.

I'm sure PanAm, EAL, etc. seemed like great bets to last forever at the time.


I would also like to know the mins, but no one probably will know until they're published. It could be that Midwest mgmt has not yet decided what the mins will be.

PS-Kit and Randy are just casually dating :)!

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