Dear Sire Captain,
You are a the fine gentleman who finds himself (for whatever damn reason you can't figure out... damn it what is wrong with the world today?) ALL THE TIME or MOST THE TIME paired with FOs whome you have the huge urge to always tell: when to start down, put the gear down, do this, do that etc... you are sick of it too.
There are two things I can tell you:
1. You Sire Captain are not flying by the book. Although you have promised me on leg one you would. That is why everyone else does it the other way. You know, the standard way. It is in the book that goes with your current airplane issued by your current company. No nonoononon... not the one you flew for 30-40-500000 years. The other one! And yeah, they change that book once in a while.
2. You my honor Sire Captain are a micro manager and we all hate to fly with you. Because, unlike you, most of us decide in a delicate way when and for what reason to speak up. But you just can't shut it. You know not everyone puts the gear down on downwind 5 times out of 5 approaches. It scares the people at 250. Ohhh well...
However if you are a cool CA who has to manage someone once in a while, that is perfectly normal and it happens from both sides of the plane. We have no problem with you and the above was not meant for you.
Ohhhhh and one more line to the FOs.
Dear Flap Handle Operator Brother,
If you are ALWAYS being micromanaged by EVERY one of your Dear Sire Captains... ouch.... you probably suck. Sorry.
Alright.... flame away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yeah I am on one of those trips.... crap it sucks. What else is this forum good for other than venting. Huh?
Weren't you the same guy who just a few months ago was so eager to get information about working here?
So, let's summarize: 1) the ink hasn't yet dried on your company ID 2) you probably haven't finished with your 100 hours in 120 days 3) you just got over checking out your cool new Airbus sticker on your flight bag. Am I far off the mark?
Here's some advise--at least until the above categories don't fit, don't be so quick to throw any stones. Ever heard of professionalism? Part of professionalism includes sucking it up when you fly with one of these guys. To be fair, 90% of our guys/gals are a treat to fly with. Yes, we have our 10%, but you said yourself that everyone does. What you're doing makes no more sense than cursing the clouds for the rain.
Some of these guys (your current captain obviously included) were not blessed with the greatest in personalities. Social interaction is not one of their strongpoints, and this holds true for many in the industry. Pilots also tend to be some of the most narcissistic people on the planet.
That said, this guy does demand at least enough respect from you not to spout off some immature rant on a public forum.
Don't be such a putz; we have enough things working against us all already--we don't need you to make us look worse. We already have fresh-out-of-Riddle kids checking their Facebook pages on our crewroom computers. Don't add to it.