Ayn? Is that you?
Hilarious.... jack someone else down... why don't you focus on yourself instead of what others make rightfully....
Contradict yourself much???
From this thread...
...those who control power and wealth made it happen and came out richer on the other side...
Not superfluous wants while making a few hyper rich....
and this thread
I'd like someone to show that the current distrubution of wealth is fair and reasonable....
And this one
The question is... what should be a market commodity...
In the USA, healthcare is a profit based commodity... it makes a few people very rich....
...because we as a society can't fund research... but we can pay BILLIONS out to HC CEOs.....
Anyway.. if profit is only 4% why are CEO pay in the BILLONS!!
I could go on, and on, and on...
You see... the demise of this country will be when liberals, and those with your beliefs quoted above, drive every wealthy person out of wealth or overseas.
Maybe, if you stopped and thought for a minute, you would realize that PUBLIC sector union employees are paid BY YOU, THE TAXPAYER.
Wanna celebrate that he makes over 4X the national average to drive a bus, while we, the private sector airline employees take cuts and live on food stamp qualifying wages? Fine, then stop your complaining when you take yet another pay cut in the form of income taxes to pay for this absurdity. Stop complaining when the CEO's and Exec's get richer because the tax hike causes you to live even more "paycheck to paycheck" while it only slightly slows their investment activity.
You see... you stand there and tell me to "focus on myself instead of what others make rightfully" while the other side of your mouth decries the evils of the rich man.
You cannot stand that a billionaire like Gates, or Jobs, or Pickens gets to keep what they made "rightfully". You cannot stand that you do not get to tap into their production of wealth.
You will not be happy until we ALL live together in misery and poverty.