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Thanks for the input. I hope things can change soon for them. They def. have had a lot of patience waiting. And the fact there has been no movement for anyone their for the last two years.
Nothing like being at SWA though....what a great place to work!!
"In order of seniority on the SAAB: MSP, DTW, MEM

Has MSP ever been junior or does anyone think it might go junior in the future? I would love to be close to family and that's where they are located. Any hope for me?
Sine Minnie is Mecca - I seriously doubt MSP will go junior any time soon. MEM is more senior now on the avro than CVG, by the way. If you ever got hired here, there is nothing stopping you from living in MSP and commuting to your base. Lots of people do.

Here is what I remember from my Saab days...


How you guys like those B Models we pawned off on you?
Has MSP ever been junior or does anyone think it might go junior in the future? I would love to be close to family and that's where they are located. Any hope for me?

MSP is pretty junior at Pinnacle. FO hard line holders are running about two months longevity. CA's are about 27 months.
the "new" saabs

Those pinnacle saabs are ok, no big problems yet for me.
The cabin configuration is better, and the seats are much more comfortable than mesaba's...still an airplane that can't always get the job done, though. Weight and balance issues, and bumping pax. and bags when heavy due to high loads or bad weather requiring more fuel.
We have a few routes that won't support crj's, so we will probably need some for a long time, but 60? No way.

By the way, I still get mad when I see so many crj's here in my msp base, which I'm about to get bumped out of forever, due to crj growth and the pinnacle pilots we took on who were granted seniority. I save my anger for nwa, though. It's all part of their whipsaw game...hopefully, we'll get a contract after a strike, grow a little, and then it's your turn...
That one-list idea is probably the solution, in spite of the headaches. It's all up to big brother, though...see ya
Those 10 B Models where the Pride of the Express Airlines Fleet.. I loved flying them...more so than the A Models we had.

By the way, I still get mad when I see so many crj's here in my msp base, which I'm about to get bumped out of forever, due to crj growth and the pinnacle pilots we took on who were granted seniority

It was a slap in the face when XJ came to MEM and seeing OUR B model fleet with MESABA pasted on the side. But we/I didn't take it personally. As you stated, its not I who is taking "your job". It is NWA Management who is trying to pad their pockets with as much bonus money as possible by getting all 3 pilot groups to hate each other. I wasn't here when the closing of MSP base occured and XJ took on Express Pilots...that's in the past no need to dwell upon it...take it to your MEC Chairman if you feel you have been wronged.

I stand behind you 100% in getting a better contract and work rules. GOD knows what you guys get will be much better than what we have at the moment.

As for one list.... it would be of benefit long-term for those senior enough to survive.... short-term most of the Pinnacle Pilots would be on the street seeing how we have around 650+/- Pilots and NWA has that many already furloughed with more to come....

Since we are the smalles of the 3 groups we stand to lose the most. Until someone can convince me that no airlink pilot will be put on the street I vote NO for one list.

Just the other day I had a NWA Airbus Capt on the jumpseat... he said "The only way we can incorporate CRJs into the mainline fleet is to eat our young"

I took that to mean that they (Mainline Pilots) would take the CRJs and there would be no Airlink other than some Saab flying..... what that means to me... is I would be out of a job since we no longer have any Saabs.


with the incorporation of one list would bring up fences that would protect junior guys at pinnacle and xj. The worst thing that would happen is seat locks for an extended period of time.

Northwest would not be able to bring back their furloghed pilots only to bump an XJ or 9E guy out.
It's also my understanding that there can't be anyone on furlough at the time this "one list" is to be approved.
I do understand about the fences... but mainline guys are going to be loooking out for "their best" interest.

A few that have came over to fly the "barbie jet" are infecting the morale and stirring the pot about how we are the devil that will cause the demise of NWA Mainline Pilot positions..... I suppose they figured they could try to convert us some how by accepting the low paying little jet job.:rolleyes:

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