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Re: ... and routes?

Robinhood said:
While we're on the subject of apparently-hard-to-find information about Mesaba, does anyone have a link to a current route map? The Mesaba web site is fairly useless in this department (as soon as you look for actual flight or route info, it's off to the NWA site, which provides no information of interest to those interested in Mesaba itself).

Just go to www.mesaba.com, select Mesaba Info, Passengers, Route Map. That should provide the info you need. If you need any other unbiased Mesaba info, please PM me.
Was that 1% pay raise the extent of your new contract negotiations? I hope you guys start hiring soon. I am hoping to work there someday.
If you know any info on contract negotiations and or if you are or are going to be hiring I would greatly appreciate it.
For our route map just look at A/C 454. It is painted over the whole fuselage.
See www.alpa.org for two updates on the lawsuit filed against the company for bad faith bargaining and attempts to go around the union...

It's a good company, with some great people, and the pilot group is well led(by the union), and unified.
The new mgmt. team are all NWA appointed accountant and lawyer jackals. As a senior ALPA official put it to me recently, its all about "what is a pilot worth?". Not much, according to NWA...

Note to all young hard-chargers chomping for a flying job...
we've all been there, and any job flying something larger than a 172 sounds good, but try to remember your long term career and family goals before going somewhere like freedom airlines, which was set up only to drastically lower any living standards that may exist in this pathetic industry. Unless you are happy to continue living in someone's basement, eating beans and rice. The ATA, RAA, and executives like Ornstein would be happy to accomodate you.

We hope this battle is over soon, and we see you on board!
xj info

Yep, Simon Says has been out of the saab too long... it is 439XJ and 441XJ that have the route maps on them, but then again, who can read the map through the grime & flaked paint?

Of course those route maps probably still show BEH. Boy it would have sucked to be doing a BEH overnight earlier this week, we would have needed that armoured police car I saw on CNN as a crew car to get through the 'hood and to the hotel.

If memory serves 454XJ is the "500th Saab Airliner".

As far as flying the saab, I loved it, but then again I didn't have to fly it in MEM this time of year. It is underpowered, prone to W&B issues and I think the Swedes did all the test flights during the winter with no one aboard, but it was a blast.

As far as hiring goes, we are currently recalling all of our pilots on furlough. Considering that they *had* to cancel some Saab Vacations in July this is overdue. There is rumor that we might hire some (the number I have heard is approx. 20). Pure rumor as far as I know at this point, no facts to back this up.

If, and I stress, IF, we hire think long and hard and be nice to your current employer. The company recalled last summer, only to furlough those pilots again in the fall when the summer flying went away. That could be in your future as well.

Please also consider what others have said here, and I will reiterate: We have a great group of employees here, a great company with history, pride and industry-leading performance. We do however suffer from mis-mangement NWA style, and a lack of leadership from the plush offices in the GO.

If you can weather a seasonal furlough, or possibly a strike in the next 6-12 months, getting in now could be a gold mine. Many of us think that when this contract gets settled XJ will be getting CRjs, and growing again, and being on the list before that happens could be golden.

One last caution, take anything said by Mesaba2425 with a judicious grain of salt... we don't know who he is and he won't say, needless to say the suspicion is that he is not a pilot but rather somewhere on the management organizational chart.

well... Not anymore
hey...whatever happened to ERIC ASHERMAN...he was an RJ85 FO. I also heard that Joel Boozeman left Mesaba to go to Air Willy probably just after his 1 year hire contract was up.

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