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Mesaba getting more CRJ-200's?

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1. We tried the single list with the PID
Again with the past? :rolleyes: The PID was unworkable. Nothing in any of the respective CBAs required a merger, nothing in ALPA merger policy required a merger, and nothing on God's green Earth could have forced management to accept a single list without massive concessions from the DAL pilots. Stop focusing on your failures of the past. Look towards new solutions.
2. Your version of a flowthrough proves my point above.....A probationary mainline pilot who has been flying Delta passengers for less than a year and has been an ALPA member for less than a year trumps a 25 year ASA or CMR pilot who has been flying Delta passengers possibly longer than that Delta pilot has been alive.....If that is ALPA's version of "fair" then it is time for ALPA to go....
Under my system, there wouldn't be many probationary pilots with less than a year of flying DAL pax. You would have 90% of the newhire coming from the flow-through agreements, with only 10% coming from outside to satisfy the mainline guys that want to help their military or corporate buddies get hired. This is how you make a step towards a single list. One giant leap ain't gonna cut it. Incrementalism, my friend. That's how you get things done.
2. Your version of a flowthrough proves my point above.....A probationary mainline pilot who has been flying Delta passengers for less than a year and has been an ALPA member for less than a year trumps a 25 year ASA or CMR pilot who has been flying Delta passengers possibly longer than that Delta pilot has been alive.....If that is ALPA's version of "fair" then it is time for ALPA to go...

XJ's flowthrough addressess this. First thing to know is that our LOA only allows the same number that flow up can flow down if need be.(we track this on our senoirity list as a "flowed" posiiton) The flowdown does not have to be the same person, just the same number of people. Next, if they do flow down, they are a Captain with year one senority or longevity. That means, they may bump a junior CA back to FO, but once a position opens, the junior FO will reinstate to CA and the flowback will be the junior. (Same language as our street CA's, except the initial displacement rights) Probably won't seem fair to that junior CA, till he reinstates and never has to sit reserve.
You would have 90% of the newhire coming from the flow-through agreements, with only 10% coming from outside to satisfy the mainline guys that want to help their military or corporate buddies get hired. This is how you make a step towards a single list. One giant leap ain't gonna cut it. Incrementalism, my friend. That's how you get things done.

Our flowthrough states a 9 person per month flow cap, but the flows must happen first, before hiring off the street. Therefore if there is a newhire class of 10, the first 9 would be XJ. If only 8 in class, all 8 XJ. If hiring is in full swing 108 XJ pilots flow a year.

Compass also has a flow with NWA. I know that our LOA is MUCH more involved...limits, flowback protections, etc. But I don't know much about their flow agreement or how ours will interact with theirs.

Don't know if the 2 combined will equal 90%, but it's a start.
I'm a big fan of the XJ/NWA flow-through. I think it's a great model to be used in future agreements.
Compass' contract states that compass pilot will flow before Mesaba pilots... "Compass Airlines pilots will be offered employment at Northwest Airlines before any other Northwest Airlines Affiliate Carrier or new hires from the street directly to Northwest Airlines."
Compass' contract states that compass pilot will flow before Mesaba pilots... "Compass Airlines pilots will be offered employment at Northwest Airlines before any other Northwest Airlines Affiliate Carrier or new hires from the street directly to Northwest Airlines."

True....but no one from compass can flow for 30 months (maybe 25 now) and IF nwa keeps hiring, there will be about 215 mesaba pilots there from the flow before anyone from compass is on the nwa list.
Compass' contract states that compass pilot will flow before Mesaba pilots... "Compass Airlines pilots will be offered employment at Northwest Airlines before any other Northwest Airlines Affiliate Carrier or new hires from the street directly to Northwest Airlines."

How many a month will flow from CZ to NWA when the flow up is activated?

And for the clarification, I know that CZ started hiring about May-June of last year, so that would put the 30 month clock down to 19-20 months left.
The maximum number of Compass pilots flowing up to Northwest shall be: twenty-five percent (25%) of the total pilot group over a rolling twelve (12) month period, and no more than twenty (20) pilots per month.
Compass' contract states that compass pilot will flow before Mesaba pilots... "Compass Airlines pilots will be offered employment at Northwest Airlines before any other Northwest Airlines Affiliate Carrier or new hires from the street directly to Northwest Airlines."

Just out of curiosity, the language above refers to "affiliate" carrier. Since both we and Compass are owned by NWA-are we "affiliates" or something else, like "subsidiary"?

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