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MESA TA Question

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Call little Johnny O's bluff. Stand up to the fu*k*r. That is the only way he will submit.

You Mesa guys have to show him who is boss.

You guys are one of the larger "Regionals" around, you deserve to be one of the more well paid.

Hell with those pay rates, you're gonna be getting poorer by the year. Those raises don't even meet the annual cost of inflation.

S@#$, they're not even "annual" raises! every 18 months. WTF is that!?

Don't accept a cent less than Air Wisconsin/Comair/ACA.

Guys, I know y'all are living in the crapper now and that it feels good to finally have a TA, but I'm just another guy asking you to stand your ground and get what you deserve.

Fight the good fight. The rest of us are here to support you and I, too, will gladly accept any assessment to get rid of the a$$hole once and for all.

Please don't drag the rest of the industry down....THIS IS NOT A RACE TO THE BOTTOM!!!

JO is going to close Mesas doors

Mesa to fly 10 turboprops for United out of Denver.

Quick, you guys had better vote FOR this TA. If you don't JO is going to shut Mesa down and now he even has another partner that would pi$$ off.

So hurry up guys and vote FOR this TA. Quick now the sky is following and JO is VERY serious.
There are a few not many mind you on this post that will probably vote for this T/A.They claim the same old crap,can't afford to be on the street,kids to feed,family to support...blah,blah,blah.Well when do you think the time is right to stand up to the likes of a JO.Some have said wait 5yrs. and then we can do it,believe me they will have the same excuses.They are probably hoping they will be gone and won't have to worry about it.Some will never fight no matter what the cause if it requires any sacrifice on their part.The line is drawn in the sand folks....its now or never,if you vote this in,you will never recover,and neither will any other regional pilot group.
I know this thread might be getting old with some of you, but this TA is a shoot heard around the small jet world. If you Mesa guys don't think YOUR vote has a impact your wrong!

The leading small jet contracts are already in jeopardy!

If you guys vote yes on this thing, we are all goning to take two steps back in what has been acheived in the not so distant past.

Re: You all have your points.

WileE said:

We'll see what happens. Me I'll vote yes on this contract because me and my family can't afford to have me on the street again for another eight months. If it happens I sure as hell don't see ALPA or any of you hypocrits at the other regionals giving me and mine a helping hand. More likely you'll laugh your way to work in the morning happy that all those pilots at Mesa got theirs. Pilot solidarity my left butt cheek. We'll see how you like it when every company out there follows the Freedom model after JO shows it works to break up the union.

I will write more on this later, but pleae everyone, remember that JO was the Grand Phoobar at COEX in the early 90's. Everyone is getting too worried about his idle threats. The shareholders will not let him shut down the airline. He is doing this because he thinks your pilot group is weak. Thats the bottom line. I have the utmost respect for you and what you do, but JO is telling you exactly what he thinks of you and your ability stay together. Heck I'd put money on it that if you voted no, he would find other employment with in 1 year. You cant vote yes or no for the "good of the industry". I wish you would but I'm practicle.

But While E, you are wrong. we will support you. We will pay ANY assesment to help you. Do you know why? Because you would do it for us. Who amungst us would say no to helping another group? Unity is very good in the regionals. Lets show the mainline guys what we're made of. You guys do what needs to be done, and we will take care of you. I could give at least 50 bucks a month. And I bet 90% of the other 1000 captains would do the sameThats 45,000$ a month. It is worth it for us to get a better contract. But its more worth it for you to save your company. Good luck
Mesa to operate regional jet flights to Eugene, Ore.

Feb. 28, 2003--America West Airlines said Mesa Airlines will begin new nonstop jet service between Eugene, Ore., and America West's Las Vegas hub.

The new service begins on March 1, 2003.

Mesa, operating as America West Express, will use 50-seat Canadair regional jets on the new flight. Mesa also operates three daily round-trip flights between Eugene and America West's Phoenix, Ariz., hub, using regional jets.

"We're expanding service in Eugene because customers have responded very positively to our low fares and friendly ticketing policies," said Ron Cole, America West's vice president of sales.

With Mesa's growth, you guys have got to see JO is just pulling your leg! Come on guys don't fall for it.
I don't think anyone is saying that JO will shut down the airline entirely. But don't think that he won't transfer all of the Mesa guys' flying to Freedom. Ask CHQ and Eagle if this can actually happen or not. Bottom line is IT IS happening and will continue to happen until someone signs off on some good scope.
I agree that they are not getting loads more money or QOL improvements. But they will get some very good job protection if they pass the TA.
If Mesa guys are taking 2 steps back from what they deserve, then what can we say about the majors taking pay concessions ? That too seems like a few steps back, but why are they doing so? Because the climate in the industry and around the world has dictated so.

SELFloadingCRGO said:
I don't think anyone is saying that JO will shut down the airline entirely. But don't think that he won't transfer all of the Mesa guys' flying to Freedom. Ask CHQ and Eagle if this can actually happen or not. Bottom line is IT IS happening and will continue to happen until someone signs off on some good scope.
I agree that they are not getting loads more money or QOL improvements. But they will get some very good job protection if they pass the TA.
If Mesa guys are taking 2 steps back from what they deserve, then what can we say about the majors taking pay concessions ? That too seems like a few steps back, but why are they doing so? Because the climate in the industry and around the world has dictated so.


First thing,

The words "job protection" and "TA" in the same sentence don't mean squat.

And on concessions, the majors were losing money and have been with the failed business models they've been using way before 9/11 even happened. To fix these problems they'll use concessions and transfer flying to affiliate regionals, like Mesa, in turn while the Majors shrink the affiliates will grow. Now since these affiliate carriers won't be shrinking I can only assume that they, unlike the majors, will be making money. Now under that assumtion, would'nt it be safe to say that these companies actually stand to do well even in the countrys present economic position? So why should'nt the workers for Mesa be able to stand up and demand a better TA than the one thats infront of them? Especially if growth is projected.

Regionals should'nt have to give up anything and if Mesa's TA is less than at least the average than it needs to be turned down. The WOs had no choice you affiliate carriers do, and you need to do the right thing. The industries problems cannot and will not be solved on the backs of the employees.

I'm not a fan of the contract carriers, but I wish them luck in getting a better deal since it will end up affecting all other regionals.
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Ahhhhhh no you dont,

Nice try with the whole "we're doing this because of the state of today's industry" defense towards criticism about your crappy T/A

You Mesa guys have been and would continue to be profitable in "today's industry", you are not trying to save your company like the majors, are ya...?. The only reason you are willing to take this contract is to secure further growth by undercutting everyone else, plain and simple.

Doubt me? Just reread your 70 seat rates and tell me that agreeing to such lower rates than what places like Comair fought for is anything but....

Just admit that you have no self respect and hold your head low in shame. Stop trying to tell yourself that you really are worth anything more than that and prove that you are cut rate personally and professionally

Or.... You could vote no and at least hold out to get what the rest of us deserve. But we both know the truth, right...?

I find it appalling that you can generalize a whole pilot group as sellouts and 1300+ pilots as "personally and professionally" cut rate. Should all of the CCair pilots (who are part of the Mesa Air Group) who are on furlough hold our heads in shame as well? Those at CCair have seen first hand what JO is capable of and willing to do. Sure Mesa pilots can vote this TA down, which is by no means a great contract, but what happens then. We start from scratch, furlough 200 pilots, Freedom airlines grows. All of this while we wait on an anit-labor Republican NMB to schedule new meetings. You are only an outsider looking in and have no idea what the majority of us are going through. ALPA has endorsed this TA and for the die hard union guys that's all they need. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the fact that Mesa's growth will be detrimental to the WO carriers and the industry in general. Who do you think companies like UA and NW are going to turn to to reduce costs in the next couple of years? Their contract and wholly owned carriers is who. And where are those managements going to look to first to reduce costs? That's right, labor. I am not trying to change anyone's mind on this board and I am very grateful for the advances the Comair pilot's accquired for the industry. I just can't stand that if this TA passes MESA is going to be the scapegoat for the whole industry. If it bothers you that much contact the union that negotiated the contract and is endorsing it as "the best we can get at this time." We all know that ALPA National can stop the contract by the omittance of one signature. Call Duane Worth and tell him that union members under his guidance are killing the industry. Do not attack the Mesa pilots in such an unproffesional manner, it only shows your immaturity and ignorance on subject you respond to by emotions only.

One more point: This TA is an improvement (albeit small one) to the current CBA. How many carriers in the next year do you think will negotiate improvements vs. concessions?

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