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Mesa and Delta...It's official

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surplus1 said:
Well said, N2264J.

Thank you.

I was beginning to think FDJ2 was starting to come unhinged. If you reread what he's written in the last 10 days or so, he seems to be having a very difficult time processing information and constantly repeats himself as if we don't understand his orders (he take's this tone as if he believes we're somehow subordinate to his pilot group). He's asked the same questions in that endearing, bi polar way, not just here on this thread but also took the time to start two other threads here in the Regional section and one in the Major section of Flightinfo, in addition to "outing" himself on the ALPA board with the same post.

To say that he "doesn't get it" may be an understatement but perhaps his frustration stems from the fact that he just can't sell it. The Delta MEC made their bed and now they're going to have to lie in it. I'm not sure we owe them an explanation for that although we've been airing our grievances and explaining the problem here and on the ALPA board for 4 years. If our detractors are not willing to listen, no answer will suffice anyway.

Then, it hit me. I understand the attorney in the Ford suit has delivered to ALPA the names for the first four depositon subpoenas and I don't think anyone at the Delta MEC was expecting those guys to be on the list. You know that "WHOOF" sound you get when gas vapors ignite just prior to the explosion? Perhaps this explains the shrill hysteria.
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N2264J said:
He's asked the same questions

And you avoid answering them over and over again. Did I hit a raw nerve exposing your hypocrisy? Does it hurt when I do that?

BTW, Braveheart outed himself on the ALPA National forum, he posted the exact same post their as he has here. Inclusives done the same thing. Unless of course that was a cut and paste job.

You see I have nothing to hide, the same can't be said for you and your buddies.

It's fun watching you RJDC guys run and hide from your own lawsuit. Refusing to answer the simplest questions. What do you have to be afraid of?

8 Simple Questions for the RJDC
Simple questions Braveheart refused to answer

1. Can the DAL pilot group, or any pilot group own/control their code?

2. If you can't control (own) the code, then how can you prevent outsourcing?

3. According to the RJDC lawsuit, can ALPA negotiate scope language for the DAL pilots that limits another ALPA pilot group access to the DL code regardless of wholly owned status?

4. According to the RJDC, does CMR/ASA being wholly owned or not have any effect on the RJDC lawsuit? If so, what does it change?

5. According to the RJDC lawsuit, would ALPA be allowed to negotiate scope limits on the DL code which would prevent another ALPA pilot group from flying DL code passengers on 90 seat, 110 seat or 150 seat aircraft?

6. If the RJDC lawsuit were to prevail, would a combined DAL/ASA PWA be able to apply DL code scope restrictions on CMR if CMR were a wholly owned or spun off? How about scope restrictions limiting DL code access to Mesa or Freedom?

7. Explain the following from your lawsuit and how it prevents whipsawing and outsourcing:

"Plaintiffs thus seek an injunction ordering ALPA to stop negotiating or assisting in the negotiation of scope clauses in such a manner as to exercise control over the flying by pilots for a carrier other than the one for which the CBA is being negotiated"

8. Is there any claim for relief in the RJDC lawsuit which would compel a single list or PWA? If so, which one?

There is no demagoguery or political slant to any of these questions. Straight froward questions deserve straight forward answers, not evasion. I look forward to Braveheart's straight forward answers.
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say again said:
Will someone answer the dang questions??? :rolleyes: Say anything, please! :D

That would take courage and honesty, characteristics the RJDC supporters seem to lack. And that's been noted.
FDJ2, Im a new pilot at CMR and dont know much about the RJDC and really dont care at this moment. I will tell you this when the deal with Delta and Mesa came out you were all happy and making fun of the CMR and ASA guys so you have no right or place to ask anyone to be honest and show courage because those qualities in a person would make you realise that Mesa coming into Delta, DCI or what ever you want to call it is bad news for all of us. I think you are a very bitter man and I hope you can get over this childish and imature obsession (The RJDC). Again I dont care about the RJDC but I am tired of reading the same thing over and over. Answer the question, answer the question. For god sake enough. You dont like the guys at CMR and ASA great we get the message. You think the RJDC has no chance in the courts great we got the message on that also. Please just let it end. Listen we have more important things to worry about like Delta going Banckrupt. Just let it end. Nothing personal just tired of the same thing over and over. UBA757
uba757 said:
FDJ2, Im a new pilot at CMR and dont know much about the RJDC and really dont care at this moment. I will tell you this when the deal with Delta and Mesa came out you were all happy and making fun of the CMR and ASA guys so you have no right or place to ask anyone to be honest and show courage because those qualities in a person would make you realise that Mesa coming into Delta, DCI or what ever you want to call it is bad news for all of us. I think you are a very bitter man and I hope you can get over this childish and imature obsession (The RJDC). Again I dont care about the RJDC but I am tired of reading the same thing over and over. Answer the question, answer the question. For god sake enough. You dont like the guys at CMR and ASA great we get the message. You think the RJDC has no chance in the courts great we got the message on that also. Please just let it end. Listen we have more important things to worry about like Delta going Banckrupt. Just let it end. Nothing personal just tired of the same thing over and over. UBA757

I'm sure he'd be happy to stop as soon as someone answers the frickin' questions!!!! Fins, Surplus, N, somebody must have the balls to actually answer a question or two. These questions have been posted on here and on the ALPA national boards and nobody will answer despite the fact that many RJDC supporters frequent both boards. The RJDC supporters are looking pretty ignorant and pathetic right about now if they're too afraid to even answer some straight forwards questions.
Let's move this convo to a different forum.....like a bar, oh wait, I am already there.

Borracho ain't just for the beans anymore.
PCL not in every single F--ing Thread. Every Thread turns into the same F--ing thing. Answer the question over and over. Just do it in one thread and the rest of us are free not to have to read it but not every single Thread. UBA757

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