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McCain Hates Pilots

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All in all, I'd like to see "the best vs the best"- McCain vs Obama. I would vote McCain in a heartbeat over either Obama or Clinton, but this year's election is the Republicans to lose, and I would certainly take Obama in a heartbeat over Hillary and Bubba.
Good post, but I disagree with this last part.

The country is sick and tired of Bush.

They link Bush to the Republican party.

The democrats have a strong lead because of this...

I personally don't like McCain. I've flown him around. I've also been in close proximity to Hillary, and freaking hate that woman.

I can't believe I'm saying this... I'm seriously taking a 2nd look at Obama.

Shoot me now...
The Pilot Records Act that was arrogantly and opportunistically authored by McLame shows what he thinks about pilots. His disdain for individuals to have the freedom to pursue their chosen occupations without penalty and government scrutiny is apparent.

As to his other qualities, his "bipartisanship" is apparent with his support of amnesty for illegal aliens.
I love watching all the idiots who foisted 8 years of ineptitude courtesy of George W. on the United States and the world coming to the slow realization that this time around they're gonna have to pull the lever for McCain, Obama, or Hillary.

Karma is a b!tch.
I would bet if our country did a little expreiment with taxes, we would be swimming in money.

Everyone, that means everyone, pays 10% of their income to the Feds.

Cut Corporate tax rates to 20% for everyone from Microsoft to your wifes beautyshop.

National sales tax of ??% on all goods and services.

We are a consumer based economy. If you give people more money, they will spend more, thus raising revenue across the board.

Raising taxes, especially on the people that spend the most, is counterproductive and DOES NOT WORK!
The Pilot Records Act that was arrogantly and opportunistically authored by McLame shows what he thinks about pilots. His disdain for individuals to have the freedom to pursue their chosen occupations without penalty and government scrutiny is apparent.

As to his other qualities, his "bipartisanship" is apparent with his support of amnesty for illegal aliens.

The accident that led to PRIA cost one of my best friends his life when he was in his early 20's. The captain he was flying with had no business being in an airplane let alone PIC for a 121 carrier.
I am certainly no McCain fan, in fact I think I would abstain rather vote for him, but I am certain PRIA is a good thing even though McCain may have authored it.
I have heard this "I know someone who has flown [insert candidate name]" about everyone, so don't give it much credence- usually someone's agenda, or the story gets distorted over countless re-statements. That said, the most consistent one I've heard concerns Billary.

As far as Huckabee goes, while I didn't care for him (though he seems like a nice enough guy) I give him kudos for his flat consumption tax (and prebate) proposal, which eliminates the need for the IRS. As for Romney, I prefer McCain but think it would be very smart (but unlikely) for McCain to make peace with him, like Reagan did with Bush I, and make him his running mate. (I'd actually like a McCain-Lieberman ticket in an ideal world, but I know that would p.o. the Rep base more than its worth). Assuming Billary hangs on with her finger nails through super-Tuesday, I am guessing we'll see a Hillary-Obama Dem ticket, which will energize the Dems but probably doom them as it will be a liberal-liberal ticket.

As Dick Morris (terrific blog, incidentally), former Clinton strategist and now Clinton-basher, astutely points out, the contemporary electoral center has moved more to the overall long-term center. McCain sits solidly in the center-right, close to this center, while both Clinton and Obama are rather far to the left. The best they can do is try and label McCain by association with Bush incompetence. But I suspect that for all his possible flaws, McCain would be like day to night compared to Bush on competence. Billary would polarize the country from the other side again. Obama is way too liberal for my taste, but would at least have integrity totally lacking from the Clintons.
The accident that led to PRIA cost one of my best friends his life when he was in his early 20's. The captain he was flying with had no business being in an airplane let alone PIC for a 121 carrier.
I am certainly no McCain fan, in fact I think I would abstain rather vote for him, but I am certain PRIA is a good thing even though McCain may have authored it.

Don't you think that the certificate holder and their training department should have been the ones responsible for this? I was shocked to read how haphazard their training department was with this individual. It wasn't his fault that he was released to the line by numerous check airmen.

The Pilot Records Act has subtly turned the screw down for the worse with regard to safety at small to mid-sized companies. Those that complain too much are rewarded with harder checkrides and disciplinary items included in their permanent records. This does not enhance safety.
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