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McCain Hates Pilots

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I agree McCain hasn't been very pilot friendly especially towards commercial pilots but it'll be a cold day in hell before I vote for his opponents, Clinton or Obama.

You want to live in a smaller house? Move to a county with a lower standard of living?
I agree McCain hasn't been very pilot friendly especially towards commercial pilots but it'll be a cold day in hell before I vote for his opponents, Clinton or Obama.

you hit the nail right on the head.
It's a "lesser of evils" situation.

how long after a Billary or Barak Hussien were elected president, along with Reid and Pelosi running congress, before China, Russia, Iran, and/or North Korea--and their terrorist buddies--ganged up on the U.S....with the resultant catastrophic effect on our industry.
you hit the nail right on the head.
It's a "lesser of evils" situation.

how long after a Billary or Barak Hussien were elected president, along with Reid and Pelosi running congress, before China, Russia, Iran, and/or North Korea--and their terrorist buddies--ganged up on the U.S....with the resultant catastrophic effect on our industry.

Consider controlling your fear.... it will enable the ability to make objective choices.....
Consider controlling your fear.... it will enable the ability to make objective choices.....

versus blindly following a bunch of corrupt, self-serving union yes-men--who sell their members down the river at the drop of a hat--like you do?

yes, your method is clearly the better choice.
you hit the nail right on the head.
It's a "lesser of evils" situation.

how long after a Billary or Barak Hussien were elected president, along with Reid and Pelosi running congress, before China, Russia, Iran, and/or North Korea--and their terrorist buddies--ganged up on the U.S....with the resultant catastrophic effect on our industry.
The sky is falling!!! :rolleyes:
You're right about Hillary (served on the board of WalMart), but not Obama. The amount of money they have isn't the issue, their relationship to big business is. Hillary, Romney, Guiliani, etc... are all beholden to scumbag big business. Edwards and Obama, however, were attorneys, the very antithesis of big business. Attorneys may be scum, but I'll take one before a big business sleazeball any day.
This election year is hysterical.

FOLLOW THE MONEY. It's ALL about money . . . and all of these guys from Obama to Hillary to Romney to McCain are all filthy rich and members of the governing and corporate elite. They have a lot more in common with the Andersons, Steelmans, Parkers, and Arpeys than they have with the gullible sheep in the middle and upper-middle class. They want to take YOUR money, not theirs, and redistribute it to others whom they can buy votes from.

Osama - "Change" ??? What change? Not a clue on the world of real world international politics and exercise of power.
Hillary - I'll tell you anything you want to hear then screw you later . . . but I'll try to make you feel good about it.
Romney - Mr. Corporate wellfare and more for the ruling and corp elites.
McCain - Shut-up and get to work you lazy overpaid underworked airline pilots . . . and don't forget you don't have any "rights" to exercise your right to self-help. So shut-up and do what management tells you to and be happy with your 30% pay cut.

Lawyers the antitheisis of the corporate elite!!!???? YGBSM. Geez. They're one and the same. I wouldn't trust Obama any farther than the rest of the Chicago Jesse Jackson shake-down crowd.

I'm not getting the symbolism of the Obama avatar. What exactly does it represent?
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When is the last time a non career politician held presidency? Ike? For any of these numbnuts to say they represent the common man is a joke.

I make too much money for the Dems, not enough for the republicans.
versus blindly following a bunch of corrupt, self-serving union yes-men--who sell their members down the river at the drop of a hat--like you do?

Quite the opposite. I say get informed, involved, vote and participate in democracy.

I make informed election choices and put into position effective leaders and if there are no such leaders to be found, then become one.

At the same time understand that democracy means compromise. Members of democracy work together to resovle issues. They see the issues through despite the urge to pack up and walk out.

Members of democracy can argue, have conflict and disagree. In fact that is quite normal. In the end, when it is time, as in ALPA's case, to deal with management and gov't we need to function as one.

Any cracks seen will be exploited by management and gov't and expanded into a giat chasm.

yes, your method is clearly the better choice.

My method is not my method. However, review what I have written and tell us what you don't like about it....

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