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McCain Hates Pilots

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If any of us thinks any candidate from either party would hesitate to throw us under the bus if it meant more votes or jobs or contributions than we provide...we're sadly mistaken.

El Correcto. We're all expendable and/or a commodity. Question is who will do the least damage but there will be damage no matter what.
El Correcto. We're all expendable and/or a commodity. Question is who will do the least damage but there will be damage no matter what.

you post as if we should get all that we demand
Maybe it's time that we have our Unions do what they were designed to do. REPRESENT US. With as many airlines unions out there, we DO have a voice and WILL be heard. We are votes and we have an interest in who is elected. We need to let McCain know that he will not be getting the votes from the US airline pilot group unless he shows his support to our cause and our Unions need to deliver that message.

No Republican thinks they will get the Union vote. ALPA endorsed Kerry last time around. How did that go? Pilots have Bush stickers on their bags. I guess the real problem is no one is listening to their union anymore. When that happens, the union has no power.
ALPA sent a questionnaire out to all of the candidates. Only four found the time to respond. Here they are for your reading pleasure.


O this legislation that Hillary sponsored? I can’t find it. I looked on her website and the senate website. She has like 200 bills that she sponsored but I couldn’t find the one that she mentions that she sponsored. If anyone knows where it is please post a link to it because I would like to read it for myself.
But how many 9/11-type attacks would we have suffered in the meantime due to Gore's or Kerry's appeasement policies--events that would have crushed our industry far worse than any perceived "anit-labor Republican" being in office?

I don't know JKE, how many? Would they have killed more than 4,700 people? That, it you don't know, are how allied have been killed in Iraq so far. Many more wounded.

I don't know if invading Iraq was the correct thing to do or not, but I do know that this administration was incompetent and borderline criminal in the execution of the war. Only recently with Petraeus have they started to get things right. And we don't really know if the the invasion has made AQ weaker or stronger.

My point is that things are not so simple the way you believe. The mantra that "Republicans are strong on security, Democrats are weak" is nothing more than a talking point made by Rush. No evidence behind it period. Some R's are good, some D's are good, and most of both parties are just slimy politicians.
One more thing. I fly another military aircraft now, and have been in-theatre many times. I will probably go again. I volunteer. I strongly believe it is my duty to serve, even if I don't agree with policies.

I'm also a a pretty hard-core liberal. I know many so-called conservatives who won't join the military and put their money where there mouth is. So, don't be so quick to judge the D's.

And yes, if I have to, I'll hold my nose and vote for Hillary :)
I don't know JKE, how many? Would they have killed more than 4,700 people? That, it you don't know, are how allied have been killed in Iraq so far. Many more wounded.
9/11 was the worst thing to happen to the airline industry. It's not a dem/rep thing. Point fingers all you want but no CEO or congress could do the damage that attack did.

"9/11 Never Forget"

No war could sustain the level of hindsight analysis that occurs these days. You can't find a US conflict that couldn't be claimed to be mismanaged at an absurd level (ever heard of WWII?).

It's rhetoric like yours that will never have us vote for the same candidate despite the ALPA connection.
You can't find a US conflict that couldn't be claimed to be mismanaged at an absurd level (ever heard of WWII?).

It's rhetoric like yours that will never have us vote for the same candidate despite the ALPA connection.

Not rhetoric. And yes, there is massive mismanagement in all wars. Thousands dead just practicing for D-Day, mostly due to dumb decisions. Just the way war is. There is a huge difference though; this war was known to be mis-managed IN ADVANCE. All the (many) competent military leaders who spoke up were fired or ignored.

Anyway, I'm not the closed minded one. I have and will vote for Republicans if they are the better candidate with the better ideas. Can you say the same?

Enough of this, back to work.

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