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McCain Hates Pilots

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It wasn't taken out of context. McCain has been consistenly anti-pilot for years. I'd vote for the Hildabeast before voting for McCain.

Still feel that way? .... I am really scared today.

My choice is a phyco path (remember "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!") or a power hungry B%$#h.

I am considering going to church to pray for Obama ... and I am not even religious
versus blindly following a bunch of corrupt, self-serving union yes-men--who sell their members down the river at the drop of a hat--like you do?

Quite the opposite. I say get informed, involved, vote and participate in democracy.

I say...make informed election choices and put into position effective leaders and if there are no such leaders to be found, then become one.

At the same time understand that democracy means compromise. Members of democracy work together to resovle issues. They see the issues through despite the urge to pack up and walk out.

Members of democracy can argue, have conflict and disagree. In fact that is quite normal. In the end, when it is time, as in ALPA's case, to deal with management and gov't we need to function as one.

Any cracks seen will be exploited by management and gov't and expanded into a giant chasm.

yes, your method is clearly the better choice.

My method is not my method. However, review whats written and tell us what you don't like about it....
Still feel that way?
Nope. Watching Billary out on the campaign trail the last month or so has reminded just what's so evil with these two. As much as I despise McCain, I'd have to vote for him over the Hilldabeast. I'm hoping that Obama can still pull it off, though.
Scary isn't it .... I do not know what to do. I am affraid that a guy who has his A$$ kicked every day in Vietnamesse prision might just have a few screws loose. Too much like The Deer Hunter for me.

I think I will just vote the local stuff ...
Nope. Watching Billary out on the campaign trail the last month or so has reminded just what's so evil with these two. As much as I despise McCain, I'd have to vote for him over the Hilldabeast. I'm hoping that Obama can still pull it off, though.

Not that I think there are any good choices, but what is it about Obama that attracts you? The guy can talk for four hours and say absolutely NOTHING.

Blah. blah. Change. Blah. Establishment. Blah blah, unity. Blah, blah. Move forward. Blah, blah.

Back when I was a high school debate geek, an Obama debate would have ended with: "I'm sorry Mr. Obama. You are an excellent orator, but I have no idea about any specific plan after hearing your presentation".


Huckabee - Fair Tax
Paul - Equalize tariffs, out of Iraq
Romney - Private health care insurance supplements
McCain - Blow everyone up, hose pilots, open border
Hillary - Change with same people
Obama - change???

pipe, Obama talks like that because it works. Go to youtube and watch some old Kennedy speeches. It was rare for him to get into any specifics. It was all grand talk. People eat that crap up. But there is substance there, also. I'm a fan of his tax plan, his health care plan, his SS plan, etc... Everything is extremely detailed on the website. He just doesn't talk about details on the campaign trail because it doesn't work.
I'm going to vote for the candidate that is most likely to lower taxes on the MIDDLE CLASS. That's people making less than roughly $300,000 per year. That's what drives this economy and that's what's been neglected. Arpey, Steenland, Anderson, Kelly, Kelner, Fornaro and Buffet need it alot less than the middle class.

I'm going to vote for the candidate who's most likely to appoint Judges and Mediators that will give me a fair shake when and if the time comes for me to seek self help against my company.

I also do favor Corporate tax brakes. But only if they involve companies that pledge to keep jobs here in America. This way, everybody wins. The elites get their share and the American workers keep their jobs. The way it's set up now, only the elites here in America and the elites in those particular countries win. Neither side's workers benefit.

People working in America, turns into full airplanes for our companies. Which in turn gives us better leverage to regain our wages.
I'm going to vote for the candidate that is most likely to lower taxes on the MIDDLE CLASS. That's people making less than roughly $300,000 per year. That's what drives this economy and that's what's been neglected. Arpey, Steenland, Anderson, Kelly, Kelner, Fornaro and Buffet need it alot less than the middle class.

Problem is, the democrats define middle class differently than you and I. Substitute your 300 number for 100 or even 80 and you are about right according to most dems.
Not true. Look at their tax plans. No one is proposing tax increases on those making less than $300k a year.
Not true. Look at their tax plans. No one is proposing tax increases on those making less than $300k a year.

Not true. The dems. do not want to make the Bush tax cuts permanent except for the middle to lower class. That will increase taxes for most making over about 80k. How do you think the dems will pay for all their social programs? Free health care for all etc.? Watch CNBC some time. It is frequently discussed.
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