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McCain Hates Pilots

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dude, you sound like a moveon.org newspaper ad.

ron paul is an isolationist fringe nutjob and is not even remotely electable.

If you meant to say non-interventionist, you would be correct. What is fringe about wanting to return to the Constitution? What is nutty about wanting to return to Bush's 2000 pledge for a humble foreign policy?

You seem to put a lot of stock in the soundbites that are spoonfed to you by the industrial-media complex. You should try picking up a copy of the Constitution and learning about how our Republic was meant to be. Watching the nightly news or listening to Limp Windbag does not make you educated.
You're barking up the wrong tree. I suppose you think you're the constitutional expert here on FI? I can guarantee you that's not the case.

Get thee back to the regional forum, sparky.
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I have no desire to punish success. I just want everyone to pay their fair share. When Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world, pays 13% of his income to the government and his secretary that makes $60k is paying 20%, something is screwed up.

I saw that bit on television about him and his secretary. It was on one of the liberal networks. Finance people on CNBC said that was not entirely true. I believe they were looking at income tax. He pays additional taxes on capital gains etc. There were many who said the piece did not look at the whole picture. Just a snapshot of their tax liabilities. I am with you on everyone paying their fair share. We should have a flat tax that applies to everyone. No hiring fancy accountants/attorneys to avoid one's fair share. Careful believing everything we see on tv or read in the papers!
The wingnuts on here have Battered Wife Syndrome.

"The President takes my freedoms, but it is only to protect me.."

"His policies took my job, but I know he loves me.."

"The wall street bankers and executives stole my money, but it is only for my own good. Besides, they deserve it.."

"The R's promised to never hit me again if I only vote for them one more time.."

I'm not kidding.
Don't forget....

"I am going to ultra rich just like them one day.... therefore... I am like them..... I am one of them!!"
I have no desire to punish success. I just want everyone to pay their fair share. When Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world, pays 13% of his income to the government and his secretary that makes $60k is paying 20%, something is screwed up.
So you make the top 1% pay more in taxes. It has been proven by economists that raising the top marginal tax rate will reduce the revenue received by the government. Lower the top marginal rate and tax revenues actaull increase.
The left likes to punish those "who have" to make themselves feel better even though doing so results in less money for their government programs.
Don't forget....

"I am going to ultra rich just like them one day.... therefore... I am like them..... I am one of them!!"

As opposed to "You cannot possibly do anything for yourselves, so give the government the money, we do everything better."
I'm a union rep. I'm also a business owner. But foremost I am an American. Airline W-2s are nice--but remember--it is what you KEEP that counts. Voting with my pocketbook means I tend to vote Republican. Voting with my concern on foreign policy means I generally vote Republican.

I have no trust in any of the democrats ability on foreign policy. Obama has publically said he will raise the SS exemption up to 300k. Thanks man. Any gains I make with my new "labor friendly" administration are eliminated by raising my taxes.

McCain doesn't like me because I'm a pilot? Oh well...I'll live. My wife had lunch at Alan Bense's fundraiser here in Panama City with Mitt a few months back--I don't think he's got my back either. I'll support him if he's nominated--but he is a bit plastic. I like and respect McCain, even though I don't agree 100% on some of his positions.

No solution is perfect. I"ve mentioned my concerns about jobs and some other social concerns. What I have done is the same things I've done with ALPA. I didn't like some of my union's positions or tone last year--so I ran for block rep and got elected. By the same token...my wife was president for 2 years of a local Republican organization, and meets regularly with local politicians. She's done some local TV and radio on political issues. When we can, we use those times and forums to share OUR concerns...and try to use that forum to explain our concerns. Lately the big local issue has been property taxes and insurance issues here in Florida, and it seems we have made some incremental improvements. Bottom line is Rep or Dem, local or national...you won't fix anything b1tching alone. Get involved--whenever you can. You might think it takes money--but so far we've had quite a few meals with our local Congressman and State Senator around town at various functions. Net cost to us? Cost of the meal or event. But we GET INVOLVED. I'm not so naive to think that they go to bed at night worrying about what I think, but they do know my face and name (and certainly my wife's...) around here. And we do get a voice... So turn off your inner cynic and start going to some local events...you might be suprised with what happens.
You're barking up the wrong tree. I suppose you think you're the constitutional expert here on FI? I can guarantee you that's not the case.

Get thee back to the regional forum, sparky.

You make a lot of assumptions that indicate that your credibility is suspect. By the way, I'll bark up any tree that I choose. Just don't squeal on me to your mommy on that profile of yours.

What the regional forum has to do with anything escapes me. If that is some attempt at elitism, you've made yourself the fool again. If your military experience makes you more qualified to post on the major board than me, it just proves that you are McLame, just like your candidate.

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