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Mary Schiavo?? Is she even a pilot? Please Advise

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Fido has raised the game by switching avatars... Unfortunately, my canine only has one pose... LAYING DOWN.:0
Does anyone remember when she shut an airport down back in the mid-90's by trying to bring a fake bomb on an airplane. Just to prove a point.

She's a camera-hungry media whore.
double post.
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Former DOT Bureaucrat,Clinton Admin.

HawkerF/O said:
I am listening to Mary Schiavo on Rita Cosby explaining that Boston Logan does not have very long runways (sufficient for the 717 but not capable of handling larger aircraft) and telling everyone that the 717 is pretty much a regional jet. WTF? Why does someone not shut her mouth? How on earth does she even get on TV? What are her creds (aside from the NTSB gig which in my opinion makes her anything but an expert)? They even have a retired AA Capt, but for some reason, they forget he is there and keep going back to her. She is explaining landing technique of professional jet aircraft pilots. I've flown Hawkers, Lears, and Challengers and am not familiar with the techniques she is speaking of. Maybe someone should ask her to come demonstrate the proper techniques of operating of high performance swept wing jet aircraft in emergency situations. I just can't believe what I am hearing out of this woman's mouth. She is commenting on subjects that greatly exceeds the scope of any knowledge she might posses. If I so much as injest a bird and she comments on it, she had better have a good legal team, cause there'll be a tag team of lawyers getting mid-evil on her A##!! Oh, the Hummanity!!!! What say you?

She has admitted to holding a private certificate with SE-land but unknown if she is multi-e land or IFR rated.She also rambles on about aircraft she knows nothing about from a piloting viewpoint.Typical bureaucrat.
Bandit60 said:
I stand corrected....It actually stands for both.

Not so fast Bandit60; You were correct the 1st time. Think about how the word is used. "The engine has FOD damage" I would interpert that to mean that Engine has Foreign Object Damage Damage. Or, the Military; on aircraft carriers they do a FOD check over the carrier's deck. Are they look for Foreign Object Damage? No, they are look for Foreign Object Debris. Other industries use it to mean what ever the want, but in aviation, it does stand for Debris, not Damage. Boeing defines it as debris, and I am going to go with them, after all, they probably invented the term.
Department of Redundancy Department

The military uses FOD as foreign object damage. Of course this leads to 'FOD damage', 'TOLD (takeoff and landing data) data', 'department of redundancy department', etc. It is the military, after all.

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