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Major Airline vs NetJets

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Ralph Wiggums said:
I've flown regional, fractional, and now SWA. SWA is light years above the other two jobs.

Not busting your balls or anything...........

If you had operated a large cabin a/c ALL over the world as I do, I think you might reconsider that statement.

I’ve enjoyed several extremely nice trips on this planet, and I didn’t see an Orange 737 on the ramp at any of those places (or any US Carrier for that matter). And I've finally learned the last art in this career; how to fly in someone else's communist country without being arrested or shot down.

Each his own in this world anymore. I think the majority of NetJets pilots are simply fed up with all the drama bahama of the 121 world. Look at JetBlue, the once Cinderella... now their taking it in the shorts. My point is we all know airline flying isn’t what it was. But most jobs in America aren't what they were. If you want to fly, earn a good $$ and actually enjoy what you’re doing while raising a family with decent benefits... NetJets simply cannot be beat.
I’ve enjoyed several extremely nice trips on this planet, and I didn’t see an Orange 737 on the ramp at any of those places (or any US Carrier for that matter). And I've finally learned the last art in this career; how to fly in someone else's communist country without being arrested or shot down.

NetJets simply cannot be beat.

Based on your above quote I will have to assume your tour took you no where near TEB or HPN.......
no wolfy is talking about hpn and pbi. :)

Both places swa don't go.
Not busting your balls or anything...........

If you had operated a large cabin a/c ALL over the world as I do, I think you might reconsider that statement.

If you want to fly, earn a good $$ and actually enjoy what you’re doing while raising a family with decent benefits... NetJets simply cannot be beat.

I don't want to operate large cabin a/c all over the world. I want to go to work for a couple days and then come home. SWA lets me do exactly that.

I hated being gone for 7 days in a row. It was one of the worst aspects of fractional flying. Being home for 7 days in a row never mitigated the long absences. I know lots of frac guys love the 7/7. That's good, 'cus you're gonna be doing it for the next 30 years. It was not my cup of tea. To each his own.

I also haven't recently had to clean up dog hair, cookie crumbs, ketchup smeared in the seat cracks, smelly dumps, or try to squeeze 150 cubic feet of bags into a 50 cubic foot cargo compartment.

no wolfy is talking about hpn and pbi. :)

Both places swa don't go.

Look a little closer the next time you're at PBI. And I don't miss HPN, TEB, or PDK, etc. one bit.
Ask the right question.

It is hard to ask, "is a fractional better or worse than an airline?" They are totally differant animals.

It comes down to personal preference like most things in life. You have to weigh the good and bad in both and then decide what is more important to you.

Personally, I have seen both sides and think, at least right now, that I will stay at NJA for the rest of my career. Things always change and it is hard to say what will happen ten years from now. I have a lot of reasons, but they are mine and may differ from yours as far as QOL, time off, pay, benefits, etc...

Make no mistake. NJA is a very different place than it was a few years ago. The folks that have been here more than a few years went through a lot to make it what it is and deserve my respect and graditude. It is because of them that you can even have this discussion about which one is best. They worked very hard to get this contract and make it comparable with the airlines. Thank You.

In short I think if you look back at past threads you will see the pros and cons for both. I just want to say thanks to the folks that have made it what it is at NJA. I am having a great time, flying the rich and famous in a hot "sports car" jet, while enjoying the pay, benefits, and week long stretches with my family.

By the way, everyone here calls me sir and treats me with dignity and respect. Try to put a price on that the next time you are snubbed or hung up on at your airline. Sorry, maybe that's just NWA.:pimp:
Easy guys- pretty simple here.

SW is the cream of the crop for an airline job, NJ is the cream of the crop for a fractional job. To each his own.

I'll never leave NJ for SW and I wouldn't expect anyone to leave SW for NJ. Sooooo, let's all play nicely. :eek:)

There are pros and cons to both, so it creates two good options for aspiring professional pilots. Life would be boring otherwise!

Fly safe yall-
When I left the Army in almost 7 years ago, my goal was to be on at a major by the time I turned 40. Of course, that was before Sept. 11. I was at NJA (then EJA), my buddy got hired at United. I was envious. He told me that he would do whatever he could to get me on there. Well, he's no longer there and I'm still at NJA. I'm now 40 and am in the top 25% of seniority at NJA. Before our CBA I was outta here!! Everyone was looking for a good exit. While our current CBA is not the best, it is a definate improvement. After the new CBA, I toyed with SWA, UPS and Fedex but I think it would be a bad move for me, with my seniority, to move. Now, if I was a junior FO, I would go to SWA, Fedex, UPS or CAL.
We all look to see how those few "lucky" pilots got to the top of the seniority list and are making good money and flying the good planes. Well, I'll gurantee you that timing key. But another key was the fact that these pilots stayed put. NJA still has lots of room to get better in the pay department because we are profitable. NJA is much more immune to fluctuations in the economy.
Those guys at NJA in the late 20's and early 30's are going to be in perfect position to join up with SWA,UPS,FedEx and CAL after a few years of NJA experience. I wish them the best and hope they their wishes.

More of these people are going to leave in a few years if the HBA system isn't expanded to all.

I hope they do leave and I hope the Company finds themselves in a situation of not having enough qualified applicatants to fill the seats.

The growth they need simply isn't going to transpire because of their own stupidity.

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