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Major Airline vs NetJets

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well looks like familyguy is gone for another 3 years.

That was fun, but also a look into why anybody with a laptop, internet connection and the book "I learned about flying from that." can be a pudder jack.
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Looks like you know more about it than we do... Court appearance not until March 23.

Just more reason why the Union should have more power in setting the standards and qualifications of Pilots as the doctor's union, the AMA does for doctors. AMA votes to unionize - ramifications for chiropractic?
hmmm....I guess that's better than your union brothers use of the computer and an internet connection...


Wow, pretty classy move Family guy, but don't really expect much different from you. Should we start a list of some of the CMH folks finest hours??? Most of us who have been here for years can talk about that subject for hours.

Innocent till proven guilty. Remember that little phrase??? Now if he did it, then he has to answer for it, but for you to use it as a slam againt Diesel or someone else on this board shows a complete lack of class.
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Wow, pretty classy move Family guy, but don't really expect much different from you. Should we start a list of some of the CMH folks finest hours??? Most of us who have been here for years can talk about that subject for hours.

Innocent till proven guilty. Remember that little phrase??? Now if he did it, then he has to answer for it, but for you to use it as a slam againt Diesel or someone else on this board shows a complete lack of class.

Funny how you aren't concerned about these 'classy' contributions by Diesel:

Cal73cap: Looking for Pilots to join JAPA

Started a group called JAPA for Jewish Airline Pilots Of America. Any Jewish fractional guys interested? There is no charge to join, just visit
www.japa.biz. I would like to help out guys and gals that are interested in flying for the Majors.

Diesel: I'm a muslim can I join?

hey familycuunt is back yipppe.

Or if you can felatio bogart you can go to CS.

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